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Management ???

O Is the process of using what you have

{ RESOURCES }, to do what you want to do

O According to the management guru Peter

Drucker (1909-2005), the basic task of
management includes both marketing and
Resources {Assets}
6 categories of resources:
Work Procedures
O According to Harold Koontz, "Management is the art of
getting things done through and with people in formally
organized groups.
O According to Henry Fayol, "To manage is to forecast and
to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to
O Henri Fayol (1841 1925) - French mining engineer
and director of mines who developed a general theory
of business administration.
O Harold Koontz (1909-1984), was a consultant for
US's largest business organizations.
Management Through five function
O The achievement of organizational goals in
an effective and efficient manner through
O Five functions
O planning,
O Organizing
O Staffing,
O leading, and
O controlling organizational resources.
Managers use a multitude of skills to perform
Functions of Management

Select goals and

ways to attain

Controlling Organizing

Monitor activities and

Assign responsibility for
make corrections
task accomplishment


Use influence to
motivate employees

Definitions of Managerial Functions
O Planning involves selecting missions and objectives
and the actions to achieve them; it requires
decision making.

O Organizing is the process of defining and grouping

the activities of the enterprise and establishing the
authority relationships among them.

O Staffing involves filling, and keeping filled, the

positions in the organization structure

Definitions of Managerial Functions

O Leading is influencing people so that they will

contribute to organization and group goals.

O Controlling is measuring and correcting

individual and organizational performance to
ensure that events conform to plans

Levels of Management


Supervisory Management

Non Management Employees

Managerial Functions
Top Management
O The highest ranking executives
responsible for the entire enterprise.
O Examples:
O chairman/chairwoman,
O chief executive officer,
O managing director,
O president,
O executive directors,
O executive vice-presidents, etc.
Middle Management
O Comprises of managers who head
specific departments. Middle managers are
responsible for implementing the top
management's policies and plans and typically
have two management levels below them.
O Example:
O accounts manager
O Marketing Manager
O production Manager
O HR Manager
O who serve as project managers in flat
Supervisory Management
O The action of overseeing
and managing employees in the
O Example:
O Site Supervisor
O Store supervisor
Organizational Structure
O Organizational structure determines how
the roles, power
and responsibilities are assigned, controlled,
and coordinated, and how information
flows between the different levels of
What is it like to be a
O Manager Activities
O Multitasking
O Life on Speed Dial

O Managers Role
O Set of expectations for ones behavior
O Diverse activities --10 roles

Mintzberg's(Management expert and professor)
Management Roles
The 10 roles are then divided up into three
categories, as follows:

Category Role
Interpersonal Figurehead

Informational Monitor

Decisional Entrepreneur
Disturbance Handler
Resource Allocator
Interpersonal Category
O Figurehead As a manager, you have social, ceremonial and
legal responsibilities. People look up to you as a person with
authority, and as a figurehead. - set a good example at work

O Leader This is where you provide leadership for your team, your
department or perhaps your entire organization; and it's where you
manage the performance and responsibilities of everyone in the
group.- Be An authentic leader

O Liaison Managers must communicate with internal and

external contacts. You need to be able to network effectively on
behalf of your organization. - professional networking
Informational Category
O Monitor In this role, you regularly seek out information related to
your organization and industry, looking for relevant changes in the
environment. You also monitor your team, in terms of both their
productivity, and their well-being. -
O Ex: gather information, reading strategies,, keep up-to-date with
industry news.

O Disseminator To be a good disseminator you need to know how to

share information and outside views effectively, which means that
good communication skills are vital.
O Ex: writing skills. Comunication Quiz

O Spokesperson Managers represent and speak for their

organization. In this role you're responsible for transmitting
information about your organization and its goals to the people
outside it.-
O Ex: Delivering great presentations, represent your organization at a
Decisional Category
O Entrepreneur Create and control change within the
organization. This means solving problems, generating new
ideas, and implementing them.
O Disturbance Handler When an organization or team hits an
unexpected roadblock, it's the manager who must take charge.
You also need to help mediate disputes within it.
O Resource Allocator You'll also need to determine where
organizational resources are best applied. This involves allocating
funding, as well as assigning staff and other organizational
O Negotiator You may be needed to take part in, and direct,
important negotiations within your team, department, or
Making the Leap From Individual Performer to

Exhibit 1.4

Hierarchical Levels
IS management an art or
science ?
O ART: Because it depends on the skills,
aptitude & creativity of the manager

O SCIENCE: Because there is considerable

knowledge in the field of management with
basic principles for guidance of basic
The Evolution of Management
O Frederick Taylor (Management Consultant and
American Engineer) developed -Scientific
Management it is to improve labor

O Hendry Fayol, the Father of Modern

Operational Management Theory it is
focus on- Managerial practices

O Elton Mayo (Australian psychologist,

sociologist and organization theorist) and F.
Roethlisberger - Hawthorne Studies
(observer effect) related to behavioral
skills. how managers should behave to
Scientific Management: Taylor 1856-1915

General Approach (Labor Productivity)

O Developed standard method for performing
each job.
O Selected workers with appropriate abilities
for each job.
O Trained workers in standard method.
O Supported workers by planning work and
eliminating interruptions.
O Provided wage incentives to workers for
increased output.

Henri Fayol 1841-1925
Managerial practices

O Division of work
O Unity of command
O Unity of direction

Abraham Maslow 1908-1970

O Identified a hierarchy of needs

O Problems stem from an inability to satisfy
ones needs

Recent Contributors to Management Thought
Assignment no - 1
(Found out the contributions to the
O Peter F. Drucker
O Keith Davis
O Edwards Deming
O Joseph M. Juran
O Peter Laurence
O William Ouchi
O Thomas Peters
O Robert Waterman
O Koontz & Weirich, Essentials of Management, Tata
McGraw Hill.
Thank U..

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