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Pencucian Uang
Upaya menyembunyikan atau menyamarkan
asal usul kekayaan yang diperoleh dari hasil
tindak pidana /kejahatan, dengan cara
memasukkan kekayaan (uang) ke dalam system
keuangan (financial System), denga harapan asal
usul kekayaan tidak dapat dilacak.
Tahapan Pencucian Uang
- Placement
- Layering
- Integration
Placement Method

Cash Smuggling
Negotiable Instruments (cashiers checks)
Cash exchange for negotiable goods (e.g. diamonds)
ATM Deposits
Cash-value insurance policies
Corporate Bank Account, the illegal cash mixed in with legal cash, Shell company, offshore
bank accounts.
Buy a bank, or establishing a new bank; Permit the money launderer to deposit large sums of
money without needing to worry about currency transaction report , facilitates the improper
use of Pass-through accounts, which are account that bank open in other, remotely located
banks. This is permit the bank holding these account to quickly provide funds to their clients
in remote location.
Buy a banker, bribing (suap)
Layering Method

Informal Value Transfer System (IVTS) anonymity to both the sender and
receiver. He affiliate provider then gives the money to anyone who knows the
secret code number and the amount of money sent.
Tax Havens and Offshore Bank; Bahamas; Cayman Island
Bank Secrecy Laws. It difficult or impossible for foreign government to
investigate their account holder. Bank have permitted their customers to open
numbered accounts associated only with number and code words , note
customer names.
Offshore Trust transferring ownership of company to an Offshore Trust controlled
by the money launderer.
Shell Corporations; exixts in an offshore haven, strong bank secrecy law that do
not required companies tomaintain corporate records and permit bearer stock
certificates. (permint ownership to be passed from one person to the next with
complete secrecy.
Layering Method (continued)

Walking Account; The money launderer set up a bank account with

instruction to immediately transfer all deposit to an account in a second

Buy a bank; create instant bank in an offshore banking haven, pass large
sums of money through the bank , and then close it. New banks can be open
and closed as needed. Also banks owned by the money launderer can destroy
records as needed to break the audit trail.

Financial Intermediaries, accountants, lawyers, brokers; to handle their

transactions for them.
Integration Method

Offshore Debit and Credit Cards; linked to an account in offshore bank to make
cash withdrawals and pay bills.
Offshore Consulting and Directors fees
Corporate loans
Gambling; purchase casino Chips; collect cash value of their chips in the form of
bank check.
Real estate Flips; sell real estate for inflated prices to offshore companies they
secretly own or control.
Under-the-table Cash Deals.
Stock Purchases
Legitimate Businesses; place the cash, report the cash as regular earnings.
Sham Import Transactions; the offshore company pays inflated prices for goods it
purchases from the domestic company
Potential Red Flags

Unusual cash transactions

Payment to or receipts from juridictions regarded as
hight risk
Same or excessive transfers into or out of bank
Frequent deposits or withdrawals just below reporting

Case Study

Joey Nariz case 52. page 581

Hopwood S. William; Jay J. Leiner; George R. Young (2012); Forensic
Accounting and Fraud Examination, Mc Graw Hill International Edition, second

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