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Prepared by:

Hafizul Amer Aizat bin Mustapa (2016776035)

Nur Imanina Bt Zulkafli (2015126691)
Sharifah Sakinah bt Syed Soffian (2015428946)

- Gender leadership differences in

communication styles , influence tactics
and different expertise
Article 1 : The Influence of Gender on
Communication Style.
Debbie Churgai (Churgai, 2015)

Main idea: Men and women are different in their

ability to communicate
1. The amount of emotion between male and
female that is used in conversation

A) Emotional expression and communication style are learned

since childhood.

B) Develop socio-cognitive understanding

C) Female use more affiliative language, male use more

assertive language
2. Value of comforting versus ego support

A) The definition of comforting support and ego support

B)Communication that express feelings and emotion

C)Communication such as persuasion and narrative

3. Stereotypes thinking which lead to comparison of
different traits and attribute between men and women

A) The traits that male possess are perceived as more important

B)Research that focus on sex-role streotypes can influence

perception based on gender alone

C)Certain behavior from a male could be perceived as positive

while from a female could be view as negative

Purpose - To inform differences in communication styles

that can help lessen misunderstandings.

Tone - Objective

Intended readers - General Public


1. Writer compare that women can comfort emotional distress better

that men

2. Writer compare that women and men use communication


3. Understanding communication style between men and women

can lessen misunderstanding between gender

4. The language used is denotative language and free of technical


5. The article is creditable because the writer uses many current

Article 2 : Women in Power : Leadership
Differences by Gender
Hilary Brooks (Brooks, 2011)

Main idea: There are differences between a man

and womans influence tactics.
1. Woman's leadership style is more like mentoring
and coaching, while a man's style is centered
around command and control.

A) Woman are more likely to be transformational leaders.

B) Effective when customer service becomes one ofthe most

profitable type of business.

C) Not be very benificial in traditional male settings.

2. The difference between men and women
leadership styles is small but significant.

A) Woman exceeded men on three transformational scales.

B) Female managers more than male managers, manifest attributes that

motivate their followers to feel respect and pride.

C) Woman exceeded men on the transactional scale of contingent reward.

3. Man exceeded women in transactional scales of active
management by expectations and passive management.

A) Male managers more than female managers paid attention

to their follower's problems not mistakes.

B) Waited before problems become severe before attempting

to solve them.

C) Absent and uninvolved at critical times.


Purpose - To inform the readers the differences of

leadership style by gender.

Tone - Inspirational

Intended readers - General Public


1. Writer answer the question whether there is a difference between

men and woman's leadership style.

2. Writer compare the differences between men and women's

leadership style.

3. The language used is denotative language and free of technical

Article 3 : Do Men and Women Lead
Differently? Whos better?
Ronald E Riggio (Riggio, 2010)

Main idea: There are differences between each

gender psychological behavior.
1. Different point of view of followers about men and
women leaders

A) Female leaders are more concern and alert then men but
also have emotional issue.

B) Male leaders usually are objective and determine in

completing their task.

C) Different people percept leaders by their belief and image

2. Leadership styles and possibility between men and
women base on research

A) Indication of a great leader by using the theory of

transformational leadership.

B) Studies shows that a group of women have more

transformational traits than men.

C) Thus, women are more likely to be a better leader than men.

3. The specific actions and behavior contribute to
leadership position requirement.

A) Studies show that top women leaders have the same

leadership behaviors as men.

B) it may be that women leaders behave the same as men

leaders succeed in being high-class leader.

C) From the above observation on leaders, there are no big

gap between men and women leadership

Purpose To inform the audience that women also can

lead like men

Tone Neutral, Matter-of-fact

Intended readers - General Public, Organization leaders


1. Writer believed that women can lead like men

2. Writer should include more insightful ideas rather than

relying on research information

3. Writer do not give an answer which gender is a better


4. Writer are afraid to answer his question because he let the reader
answer which gender is the better leader.
5. Writer use book references only from women writers

Men and women are actually alike because

nowadays these traits can inhibit by both gender

Brooks H. (2011, August 12). Women in Power: Leadership Differences By Gender.

Retrieve from

Churgai D. (2015, January 8). The Influence of Gender on Communication Style.

Retrieve from

Riggio R. E. (2010, March 23). Do men and women lead differently? Whos better?.
Retrieve from

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