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Kuliah 5
Arti kata Ideologi

•Logos: ilmu atau teori
• Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836): new science of
• Napoleon: bodies of ideas which are false and
unrealistic, system of belief which serve to
legitimate unequal forms of social relations.
• Political scientist: explicit political belief or
belief systems (conservatism, socialism,
liberalism, etc)

• Larrain (1979) saw the potential political

function or use of false ideas, and notes that
Machiavelli (1469-1527) is a good example of
a such conception from earlier historical
• Contemporary source: Karl Marx:
1. Illusory or distorted nature of ideology
2. A mere product of economic system
3. Identify different ideologies with different
4. The ideas of ruling class are imposed
upon the working class.
Key contributor of theory of ideology:
• Engels
• Mannheim
• Goldmann
• Adorno
• Horkheimer
• Marcuse
• Gramsci
• Barthes
• Althusser
Ideology in descriptive sense:
• Pure descriptive: as result of empirical inquiry about
(discursive, can be explicit or implicit) :
psychological dispositions, ideas, concepts, belief,
values, motives, desires; and (non- discursive):
characteristic gestures, ritual, attitudes, form of
artistic activity, etc. Can be distinguish on the basis
of “manifest content” or o. t. b. of their functional
properties (the way the element of the ideology
influence action)(p.8)
• As “world view” (p.10)
• In “programmatic sense”: translated into action
Ideology in the pejorative sense:
The belief, attitudes , and wants of the agents in particular
society. Ideology in this context is delusion or false
consciousness (p.12), that rooted in:
1. Epistemic properties (ex.: positivism) (p.13-14)
2. Functional properties (ex.: supporting, stabilizing, or
legitimizing certain kinds social institutions or practices;
hinders the maximal development of the forces of
material production; mask social contradictions)
3. Genetic properties: rooted in the origin, genesis, or
history of the elements which build the ideology. “Genetic
fallacy”: over simplification or generalization of
“particular genetic roots” for “universal conditions”. In
anthropology : ethnocentrism. In epistemology: solipsism.
Ideology in the positive sense:
• “Ideology”: is most likely to enable the
members of the group to satisfy their want
and needs and further their interest. (p.22)
• Ideology is something to be constructed,
created, or invented
Example: Lenin’s What is to be Done?
• A proposed ideology may generate new
wants and interests.
Ideologi politik:
• is a certain ethical set of ideals, principles,
doctrines, myths or symbols of a social
movement, institution, class, and or large
group that explains how society should work,
and offers some political and cultural
blueprint for a certain social order. A political
ideology largely concerns itself with how to
allocate power and to what ends it should be
Ideologi politik

Goals: Methods:
The most
How society
appropriate way
should be to achieve this
organized. goal.
Pancasila merupakan ideologi?
• certain ethical set of ideals, principles,
doctrines, myths or symbols of a social
movement, institution, class or large group?
• explains how society should work ?
• offers some political and cultural blueprint
for a certain social order ?
• concerns itself with how to allocate power
and to what ends it should be used?
Pancasila ideologi “asli” Indonesia?
• Aspek substansi nilai-nilai Pancasila:

• Aspek proses: faktual-historis, khas


“Berwawasan global dan berakar pada

kesejarahan lokal Indonesia”
Beberapa Ideologi di dunia:
Jenis Politik Ekonomi Sos.Bud Religi
Fasisme Otokratis Korporatisme Minus Kultus
Rasialis negara kebebasan pemimpin

Theokrasi Monarkhi Distribusi dr Moral-relijus Agama negara

Sosialisme Demokrasi- Pemerataan Anti rasial -Sekuler
sosial -Relijius
Kapitalisme Demokrasi -Hak pribadi Kebebasan Sekuler
liberal -Pasar bebas individu

Komunisme -Totaliter -Sama rata Masyarakat -Tolak agama.

-Dominasi sama rasa tanpa kelas -Materialisme
negara -Tolak pasar
Ideologi Pancasila?
• Politik ?
• Sosial ?
• Ekonomi ?
• Agama ?

Jangkar sosio-kultural-historis bangsa

Indonesia dalam percaturan global akan
menentukan “tujuan” dan “cara” ideologi
bangsa akan berjalan.
Prinsip: tidak harus beda atau sama dengan
ideologi bangsa lain.
Bentuk-Bentuk Ideologi

• Ideologi tertutup (ideologi dalam arti penuh)

– Negara dengan ideologi tertutup berarti
seluruh kehidupan masyarakat ditentukan
oleh negara (mis: Korut)
• Ideologi Terbuka
– Ideologi disebut terbuka karena hanya
mengenai orientasi dasar, sedangkan
penerjemahannya dan penerapannya dapat
disepakati secara demokratis (Mis: ....)
Makna Pancasila sebagai Ideologi
• Nilai-nilai Pancasila (Ketuhanan, kemanusiaan,
persatuan, kerakyatan, keadilan) merupakan
kesatuan gagasan dasar yang disusun secara
sitematis dan menyeluruh tentang manusia
Indonesia dan kehidupannya, baik individual
maupun sosial.
• Nilai-nilai Pancasila merupakan sistem pola
pikir manusia Indonesia dalam menghadapi,
menanggapi, dan menyelesaikan masalah-
masalah yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan
bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara.
Makna Pancasila
sebagai Ideologi terbuka
• Pancasila harus dapat menjawab tantangan
zaman yang terus berubah seiring dengan
kemajuan teknologi
• Pengembangan Pancasila sebagai Ideologi
terbuka harus melalui konsensus nasional
yang disepakati dalam bentuk produk hukum
dan perundang-undangan
• Keterbukaan Pancasila sebagai Ideologi
hendaknya mewadahi sendi hukum agama,
adat dan tidak mengubah nilai-nilai yang ada
di dalamnya

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