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Spermatogenesis +

Male Reproductive System
✘ It is a process by which haploid spermatozoa develops from the
germ cells in the seminiferous tubules – numerous thin, tightly
coiled tubules in the testis. Within walls of the tubules also are many
randomly scattered cells called Sertoli Cells.
✘ Rounded immature sperm cells undergo successive mitotic and
meiotic division – Spermatocytogenesis, and a metamorphic
change – Spermiogenesis, to produce spermatozoa
✘ Spermatogonia – undifferentiated germ cells in the seminiferous
tubules of the testis from fetal period
✘ Begin to increase in number during puberty
✘ Undergo mitotic division and transform into primary spermatocyte

2 Types of Spermatogonia:
 Type A – divided by mitosis to provide continuous reserve to stem
 Type B – give rise to primary spermatocyte

✘ Spermatocytogenesis – primitive cells called spermatogonia

proliferate by mitosis Mitosis ends when a B
spermatogonium yields two (2) primary spermatocytes
Meiosis I – Meiosis II –
two cells are
secondary converted to
number 1N
halves spermatocy
tes spermatids
during Secondary
meiosis Spermatocy Spermatocy
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✘ The 2nd meiotic division is rapid therefore few secondary

spermatocytes are can be identified
✘ Spermatids – transform to mature sperms called Spermatozoa
through the process of spermiogenesis
✘ When spermiogenesis is complete, the spermatozoa enters the
lumen of the seminiferous tubule
✘ It will require 64 days for spermatogonium to mature
✘ It will undergo the following changes:
1. formation of acrosome
2. condensation of the nucleus
3. formation of the neck, middle piece and tail
4. shedding of most of its cytoplasm
 Stored in the epididymis
 Transported to urethra thru muscular contraction of the vas
Cells in Spermatogenesis
✘ Sertoli Cells – provides environment for germ cell development
✘ Phagocytose and digest shed residual bodies produced by the
developing germ cells
✘ Synthesize and secrete fluid into the lumen containing:
1. Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) – helps transport androgens
from interstitial fluid into seminiferous tubule
2. Inhibin – suppresses FSH secretion of the pituitary
✘ Interstitial Cells of Leydig (Leydig Cells) – steroid-synthesizing cell
with enriched sER and mitochondria
✘ Produce and secrete testosterone
✘ Stimulated by LH and prolactin for pituitary
✘ Sertoli Cells Leydig Cells

✘ Throughout spermatocytogenesis, cells retain a rounded

configuration and undergo a dramatic change in form during
spermiogenesis to adapt for fertilization
✘ It involves nuclear condensation, formation of the acrosomal cap
and development of the tail
✘ The shape of the human sperm cell is adapted to its function

Middle piece Head






Parts of a Mature Sperm

> contains the haploid number of chromosomes in it nucleus
> acrosome covers the anterior 2/3 of the head
> contains the enzyme acrosin
consists of three segments:
> middle piece – contains mitochondria
> principal piece – longest part
> end piece – provide motility to the sperm
✘ Thank you!

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