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 The essay you write for class must be your essay.

It should be your own ideas and in your own

words. However, many essay assignments will
ask that you use sources or quotes. So why
would you use quotes in an essay that is
supposed to be your own work?
1. To prove that your ideas are correct
2. To illustrate your point of view
3. To demonstrate how you arrived at an original
idea of your own
 Step 1 Write the quote within quotation marks. If you are quoting
someone else, you must write it correctly word for word.
 Step 2 Place the author's name at the end of the quote followed
by a comma followed by the date and the page number of the
publication -- surround all this with brackets. Example: to evaluate
performance “a simple questionnaire can reveal a lot about what
your customers think” (Morrison, 2011:23). In this example, only
the part within quotation marks is the author's words, the part
before this is an introduction by the essay writer. If you refer to the
author before the quote, you only need brackets around the date
and page number. Example: Morrison (2011:23) explains that “a
simple questionnaire can reveal a lot about what your customers
think” when evaluating performance.
 Step 3 Write two or three authors names, e.g.
Morrison and Jones (2011:23) or Morrison,
Jones and Peerless (2011:23). Write Morrison
et. al (2011:23) when there are more than
three authors.
 Step 4 Write page numbers separated by a
dash if the quote goes onto a second page,
e.g. (Morrison, 2011:23-24).
 Step 5 Paraphrase an authors words; this
does not require speech marks. The ideas
used from the source must be written in your
own words but they are referenced in the
same way. Example: To evaluate the
performance of our customer service,
Morrison (2011:23) suggests the use of a
simple questionnaire in order to gain
perspective on the thoughts of service users.
 Step 6 Reference from an organization where
the author cannot be found by writing the
organization name, e.g. more than a third of
people living in the north felt that the cold
weather was too much to bear (The CLD
Association, 2011:10).
 Step 7 Create a reference list at the end of your
essay in the following format;
 Name, date, publication title (in italics), place of
publication, publisher.
 Example: Morrison, N. (2011), The Art of Service
Improvement: A Friendly Approach, 2nd edition,
London: Routledge.
 Step 8 Write in full the names of all authors, e.g.
Morrison, N., Jones, P. and Peerless, W. (2011),
The Art of Service Improvement: A Friendly
Approach, 2nd edition, London: Routledge.
 Write an Argumentative Essay about “The
reasons for Becoming A Nurse?”
 Create an outline
 Prepare a thesis statement
 Develop your outline in a five-paragraph essay.
 Support your writing with some necessary
theories (Quote at least two and write down the
 Use the internet to find relevant vocabulary

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