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Personal Development

Defined as a process in
which persons reflect upon
themselves, understand who
they are, accept what they
discover about themselves,
and learn (or unlearn) new
sets of values, attitudes,
behavior and thinking skills to
reach their fullest potential as
human beings.
Human Development and
Personal Development
1. Physical Development
2. Cognitive Development
3. Psychosocial
Other Influences
1. Hereditary
2. Environment
3. Maturation
belonging or relating to a
particular person. : made
or designed to be used by
one person. —used to
describe someone whose
job involves working for or
helping a particular
The study of human thinking
and behavior, serves as a
foundation for personal
Personality refers to individual differences in
characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling
and behaving. The study
of personality focuses on two broad areas:
One is understanding individual differences
in particular personality characteristics,
such as sociability or irritability.
Carl Rogers
Individual has within himself
the capacity and
tendency latent if not
evident, to move forward
Martin Seligman
Emphasis in diagnosing and
treating and preventing
psychological disorders.
Mihaly Csikszenmihalyi
What is good and positive
about human persons and
their desire to achieve their
full potential.

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