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Table 1.

Ten point Condition Rating system for RC structures

Condition Description
Failure Extent Action required
Rating (CR) (In terms of cl and dccd)

0 safe cl < 0.2 and dccd > 0 and age ≤ 10 Excellent condition
1 good cl < 0.2 and dccd > 0 and age > 10 No maintenance required

cl <0.2 and dccd ≤ 0

Low risk but Corrosion initiated, required regular
2 or
satisfactorily inspection
cl = 0.2 and dccd ≥ 0

3 fair 0.25 > cl > 0.2 and dccd > 0 Required frequent inspections

No immediate maintenance, it may

4 Moderate risk 0.25 > cl > 0.2 and dccd ≤ 0
be delayed

Maintenance is required to increase

5 poor 0.3 > cl ≥ 0.25 and dccd > 0
the service life

Maintenance is must for continuous

6 High risk 0.3 > cl ≥ 0.25 and dccd ≤ 0
use, likely to repair

Structure must be closed for

7 serious 0.4 > cl ≥ 0.3 and dccd > 0
Poor condition not likely to be
8 critical 0.4 > cl ≥ 0.3 and dccd ≤ 0
9 failure cl ≥ 0.4 Replacement of structures
Sanjeev Kumar Verma et al. Estimating Residual Service Life of Deteriorated Reinforced Concrete Structures.
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 5, 92-96. doi:10.12691/ajcea-1-5-1
© The Author(s) 2013. Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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