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Communicator role

What is role?

 A role is a set of connected behaviors, rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as

conceptualized by people in a social situation. It is an expected or free or continuously
changing behavior and may have a given individual social status or social position
Should be – Can be

 The behaviors assigned to be must be those formally established by the group for a role, as
expectations of action, according to their values or ideals; It is what each person is
expected to do to fulfill some role.
 The behaviors related to being able to be are those that each individual follows
according to their criteria, resources, aptitudes or individual capacities. Thus, in the
performance of any role, people can decide their behavior or way of acting
Communicators behaviors

 When things go wrong, you can almost always trace the problem to a breakdown in
communication. And when things go right, it's usually great communicators who helped
create the successful results. It's a necessary skill in every aspect of business, social and
family life. How you communicate will determine if you lead, command respect, earn trust
and are well liked. Poor communicators will suffer from confusion, low self-esteem and
Communicators behaviors

 You need to keep everyone on your team engaged. You need to stress cooperation and
communication. When in doubt, over-include in meetings rather than under-include. Say
what you mean and mean what you say. Be clear, concise, honest, real. And do what
you say you’re going to do. Otherwise, you’ll lose credibility, and often your leadership.
Communicators role

 Must interact: It is the duty of the communicator, it is the established norm, because
without the interaction with others, or even with ourselves, the main function of the role
can not be fulfilled
Communicators role

 To be able to empathize: is the behavior that can be, since a communicator can be
placed in the place of the other person to better understand their ideas and feelings and
thus achieve a more effective communication
Context, roles and meaning

 The communicator has to adapt to different contexts

 The cultural context : marks and delimits the way in which the members of a culture carry
out their communication, the importance of examining cultural contexts and is due to the
influence that exerts to promote or inhibit communication
Context, roles and meaning

 Levels of language and meaning: the language is also learned through the context with
our group in the same way in which we start the modes of behavior
Communicators role

The communicator exercises his role to:

 Strengthen communication where it already exists,
 facilitates communication where the culture of communication is still scarce
 generates communication where there is no communication.
Communicators role

 The social role of the communicator in relation to people and the media, a role that is
often underestimated or unclear, because it is thought that the communicator is only the
informant, that is, the one who writes, talks or tells a story.

 Not so, actually if you see and locate the communicator as what it is: a facilitator of
communicative processes, this status leads him to assume the exercise of the profession as
a dedication destined to facilitate communicare processes, that is to say following the
etymological meaning of this word: "put in common and share something".

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