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Modul KB dan Kependudukan

Rufaida Amaturrohman
1. What are component of
demographic? Explain!
 There are 3 factors influence growth people in a
 Fertilitas / natalitas
 Mortalitas
 migration
 Fertilitas : capability of women to be born that refer
to count of baby that has born.
 Indicator of fertilitas:
 Crude birth rate (CBR) : show count of birth in a year per
1000 people in the middle of same year
 CBR = count of birth x 1000
count of people
Source: Yuhedi, Lucky T dan Titik Kurniawati. 2013. Buku ajar kependudukan dan pelayanan KB.
Jakarta: EGC
 General Fertility Rate (GFR) : show count of birth in per 1000
women in fertile age (WUS) in a year.
 GFR = count of birth x 1000
count of WUS

 Age Spesific Fertility Rate (ASFR): show the count of birth per 1000
women in certain age, between 15-49 years old.
 GFR = count of birth x 1000
count of mom

 Total Fertility Rate (TFR) : show the average of birth of women while
she was in fertile period.
 GFR = 5 (count ASFR)
 Mortalitas : lost all of life sign permanently.
 Indocators:
 Crude death rate (CDR) : show count of death in certain
 GFR = count of death x 1000
count of people
 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): show count of death that
happened after the baby born until before 1 year.
 IMR = count of baby death x 1000
count of life born
 Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) : death occurs during
pregnancy or 42 days after termination of pregnancy.
Source: Yuhedi, Lucky T dan Titik Kurniawati. 2013. Buku ajar kependudukan dan pelayanan KB.
Jakarta: EGC
 MMR = count of mom death x 1000
count of life born

 Migration : transfering people from a region to other region.

 Bruto migration : count of migration enter and exit in a region.
 Formula= (count of mirgation in) – (count of mirgation exit) x 1000
count of people in the middle year
 Neto migration : difference between migration enter and exit. Positif :
migration enter > exit. Negatif : migration enter < exit
 Formula= (count of mirgation in) – (count of mirgation exit) x 1000
count of people in the middle year

Source: Yuhedi, Lucky T dan Titik Kurniawati. 2013. Buku ajar kependudukan dan pelayanan KB.
Jakarta: EGC
2. What are the purpose and benefit of
study demographic?
 Studying the quantity, composition, and distribution of the
population in a given area and the changes.
 Explaining the growth of the past and to estimate future
population growth.
 Develop a causal relationship between population growth
and development of various aspects of social, economic,
cultural, political, environmental and security.
 Learn and anticipate possible impacts arising from
population growth in the future.

Source: Mantra, Ida Bagoes.2003. Demografi Umum. Pustaka Pelajar Offset, Yogyakarta
3. How to get demographic data?
 Amount of people can be know from:
 People census: by Goverment. Every 10 years.
 People registration: independent by the people. Occurs
when people make a KTP / akte kelahiran/ etc.
 Survey people: SUPAS, Susenas, SKRT, SDKI

Source: Yuhedi, Lucky T dan Titik Kurniawati. 2013. Buku ajar kependudukan dan pelayanan KB.
Jakarta: EGC
4. What are MDGs and explain about MDGs!

 Indonesia has commited to reach the goal Millenium

Development Goals (MDG) :
 reduce child mortality rate 2/3 from 1990 become 20 per
1000 baby born in 2015.
 reduce maternal mortality rate 3/4 from 1990 become 124
per 100.000 (kelahiran) in 2015.

Source: Yuhedi, Lucky T dan Titik Kurniawati. 2013. Buku ajar kependudukan dan pelayanan KB.
Jakarta: EGC
5. What are SDGs and explain about the
differences between MDGs and SDGs?
6. What are the affecting factor of
 Pro mortality
 Decrease awarness people about their healthy
 Unadequate health facility
 Nutrition deficiency
 Nature disaster
 War, epidemic disease, homicide
 Anti mortality
 Increase awarness people about their healthy
 Adequate health facility
 Good Nutrition
 Increase expert in medicine
 Advancement in medicine
 Mortality factors:
 White skin < brown skin
 Biologis social factors
Genetic economic

 Certain job has higher mortality risk

 a) wedding status : mortality in married people lower than

unmerried people
 b) residence (tempat tinggal) : mortality in village lower than people
that stay in city
 c) life style : cleanlines, health service, ect  mortality lower tha
people that usually smoking, bad habbit in food and drink.
 d) genetic factor : genetically inherited diseases
7. How to measure mortality rate?
 Crude death rate (CDR) : show count of death in certain
 GFR = count of death x 1000
count of people
 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): show count of death that
happened after the baby born until before 1 year.
 IMR = count of baby death x 1000
count of life born
 Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) : death occurs during
pregnancy or 42 days after termination of pregnancy.
 MMR = count of mom death x 1000
count of life born
Source: Yuhedi, Lucky T dan Titik Kurniawati. 2013. Buku ajar kependudukan dan pelayanan KB.
Jakarta: EGC
8. What are the factor that cause
 Factors that causing MMR:
 Born-death
 Complication of pregnancy
9. How to decrease MMR?
 Increase treatment for mother after pregnant termination
 Increase obstetric ability
 Advance in lerning medicine (treatement)

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