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Sports Nutrition

 Best source of fuel for athletes

 Body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in the muscles and the
 Athletes who do not store enough carbohydrates are at a greater
risk of becoming tired quickly, have little energy and performing
poorly during competition.
What are some
good meal  Toast with peanut butter, piece of fruit, glass of milk
options prior  Chicken sandwich on whole grain bread, cheese, and mustard

to  Roast beef and vegetable stir-fry with a glass of milk

What are some
good snack  Granola and yogurt and a banana
options prior  Cottage cheese, apple slices and a whole grain muffin

to  Half of a sandwich

 The amount of sweat an athlete loses will depend on the intensity,
their genetics, and the temperature and climate.
 Prior to activity athletes should be drinking 1 ½- 2 ½ cups of fluid
Hydration 2-3 hours before.
 Athletes need to drink ½- 1 ¼ cups of water every 15-20 minutes
during activity
 During activity for an hour or less water is the preferred choice
 Sports drinks help to replace sugar in the blood that is used up by
the muscle and brain as well as electrolytes lost through sweat
What about during intense, non stop activity that is longer than an hour.
 Not all sports drinks are the same!
sports drinks?
 There is no need to take sports drinks if you have not been active
and sweating for more than 1 hour
 Athletes typically only need sports drinks when they sweat a lot
When should for more than an hour in order to replace blood sugar and mineral
you have a (electrolytes) losses.
 Down side to sports drinks?
sports drinks?  They are high in sugar!
 If you have less than a full day to recover (tournaments) you
Less than 24 should be eating a carbohydrate and a protein source within 30
minutes of competition.
hours until  Eating within this time frame will ensure that muscles fill their
next activity glycogen stores before the next activity.
 What does that look like?
More than 24  The 30 minute time frame is less important now because there is
more time to recover.
hours until the  Still choose a source of carbohydrate and protein to ensure that
next activity. there is enough glycogen storage in the muscles.

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