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Managing Communication

A Group 3 Report
Jeren Mae Alcala
Nikki Dinglasan
Marian Faith Pangan
Ryan Sanchez
What is Communication?
The Power of Communication
Communication Process
Communication Process (Cont'd)
Fundamentals of Communication
Are a set of basic communication skills that form the foundations of more advanced communication
skills, including speech. If these fundamentals are missing, it is unlikely that more advanced communication
can develop

 Enjoying being with another person.

 Developing the ability to attend to another person.
 Concentration and attention span.
 Learning to do sequences of activity with another person
 Taking turns in exchanges of behavior
 Sharing personal space.
 Using and understanding non-verbal communication.
 Using vocalizations with meaning
 Learning to regulate and control arousal levels
 Cause and Effect
 Anticipation
Purpose of Communication
Flow of Information
Learning Management Skills
Preparing People to Accept Change
Developing Good Human Relations
Ideas of Subordinates Encouraged
Importance of Communication
Importance of Communication
Base for Action
Planning Becomes Easy
Means of Coordination
Aids in Decision-Making
Provides Effective Leadership
 Boosts Morale and Motivation
Principles of Communication
Lack of effective communication renders an organisation handicapped. So to have effective communication certain
principles are to be followed.
They are as follows:
1. Clarity:
 The principle of clarity means the communicator should use such a language which is easy to understand. The
message must be understood by the receiver. The words used should be simple and unambiguous. The language
should not create any confusion or misunderstanding. Language is the medium of communication; hence it should
be clear and understandable.

2. Adequacy and Consistency:

 The communicator must carefully take into account that the information to be communicated should be complete
and adequate in all respect. Inadequate and incomplete message creates confusion and delays the action to be
taken. The adequate information must be consistent with the organizational objectives, plans, policies and
procedures. The message which is inconsistent may play havoc and distort the corporate interests.
Principles of Communication (Cont'd)
3. Integration:
 The principle of integration portrays that through communication the efforts of human resources of the organization
should be integrated towards achievement of corporate objectives. The very aim of communication is to achieve the
set target. The communication should aim at coordinating the activities of the people at work to attain the corporate

4. Economy:
 The unnecessary use of communication system will add to cost. The system of communication must be used
efficiently, timely i.e. at the appropriate time and when it is necessary. The economy in use of communication
system can be achieved in this way.

5. Feedback:
 The purpose of communication will be defeated if feedback is not taken from the receiver. The confirmation of the
receipt of the message in its right perspective from its receiver fulfills the object of communication. The feedback is
essential only in case of written communication and messages sent through messengers. In case of oral type of
communication the feedback is immediately known.
Principles of Communication (Cont'd)
6. Need for Communication Network:
 The route through which the communication passes from sender or communicator to its receiver or communicate
refers to communication network. For effective communication this network is essential. The managerial
effectiveness will also depend upon the availability of adequate network.

7. Attention:
 The message communicated must draw the attention of the receiver staff and ensure action from him in the right
perspective. The efficient, sincere and prompt manager succeeds in drawing the attention of his subordinates to
what he is conveying.
 It is the psychology of the people that they watch their superiors closely and then respond to their orders or
instructions. Lazy and insincere superiors fail to garner support for themselves and their instructions usually are not
taken seriously by their subordinates. Adhering to the above principles shall make communication effective,
minimize the human relations problems and increase the overall efficiency.
Two-Way Communication Process
Barriers to Communication
Effects of Communication Barriers in Business Communication

• Noise acts as a devil in business communication.

• Unorganized and Haphazard thoughts also lead to ineffective
communication in organizations.
• During any business meeting, presentation or seminar, the
speaker has to be very careful about his pitch and tone.
• Difference in thought process also results in a poor
communication in business areas.
Overcoming Communication Barriers

1 Eliminating differences in perception

2 Reduction and elimination of noise levels

3 Use of Simple Language

4 Active Listening

5 Simple Organizational Structure

Overcoming Communication Barriers

6 Simple Organizational Structure

7 Avoid Information Overload

8 Give Constructive Feedback

9 Proper Media Selection

10 Flexibility in meeting the targets

3 Communication Symbols
Non-Verbal Communication
-- includes pitch, speed, tone and volume of voice, gestures and facial expressions, body posture,
stance, and proximity to the listener, eye movements and contact, and dress and appearance.
Non-verbal Communication
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Non-Verbal Communicaation
Communication Flows in an Organization

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Downward Communication
-- is the flow of information and messages from a higher level inside an organization to a lower one.
Effective downward communication is crucial to an organization's success.


 Organizational discipline
Downward communication follows the organization's hierarchy, meaning that organizational
discipline and member compliance is much easier to maintain.
 Efficiency
Downward communication offers efficiencies because instructions and information come from
the sources in power that are able to coordinate activities from the top of the organization.
Employees receive feedback from the supervisors who manage them.
 Effective communication of goals
Upper management can easily communicate goals and assign responsibilities regarding
achieving those goals.
 Ease of delegation
Delegation is much easier if the delegation comes directly from the vertical communication
structure representing the chain of command.
Downward Communication

 Problem of explanation and re-explanation: It is a main problem of downward

communication. If superior’s direction is illegible in case of such communication, then
re-explanation of this direction is a problem.
 Disturbing discipline: In this communication, if the boss’s direction is seen by
doubtful eyes of sub-ordinates, the chain of command and discipline may be broken.
 Unnecessary delay: The channel of downward communication is lengthy. As every
stage of this communication system takes time to pan the information unnecessary
delay is occurred.
 Efficiency reduces: Morally downward communication is commanding in nature. So
there is no opportunity of the workers to become efficient.
 Loss or distortion of information: Information may be fabricated by the employees
to maintain lengthy channel. So, through this communication information may lose its
 Reduces relationships: By this communication system relationship between superior
and sub-ordinate may be reduced due to inability and inefficiency of boss.
Downward Communication

 Slowness system: Downward communication is the slowest communication method

because it requires passing through the various levels of an organization. For this it
may become ineffective.
 Lack of feedback: In downward communication is a one way communication system.
So there is no opportunity to provide reaction about the work to the subordinates.
 Time consuming: Downward communication requires passing through the various
levels of an organization which needed long time to send information.
 Lacks in efficiency: In downward communication, employees have no opportunity to
provide reactions, suggestions and showing creativity and perform according to them.
 Creation of frustration: Downward communication is authoritarian and directive in
nature and does not allow the employees in decision making process and their
creativity. For this reason employees become frustrated.
Upward Communication
Communication is a very important part of working in the business environment. Managers must be
able to communicate with employees and employees must be able to communicate with managers in
order to have a profitable business. Upward communication is the flow of information from front line
employees to managers, supervisors, and directors.
Upward Communication

 Feedback: Managers can get feedback from employees that can help improve organizational development.
Employees who are encouraged to provide feedback feel respected and that they have a say in how the
organization is run.
 Mutual trust: Mutual trust brings employees and managers closer to each other. As trust grows, relationships
between employees and managers become stronger.
 Introduction of new policies: Front line employees do the work every day. They can usually tell managers if
something works or doesn't work. Employees can be instrumental in forming new policies or changing those
that are outdated.
 Development of plan: The information received from subordinate plays important role to help development
of planning of the organization.
 Providing suggestions and opinions: By upward communication system, subordinate takes necessary
suggestions and opinions from superiors about the work related issues of the organization.
 Motivating to employees: Upward communication system allows lower level staff to express their attitude or
opinion to upper level staff. As a result sub-ordinates are influenced to work more towards fulfillment to target.
 Providing constructive suggestion: All employees are supplied with constructive and important messages
that can help to implement the goals or objectives.
 Good labor-management relationship: Here, information is invited from lower level executives and
employees and on the basis of this information top executive makes a decision. So, a good relation between
subordinates and bosses should create for the betterment of the organization.
Upward Communication
Advantages (Cont'd):

 Providing feedback: The subordinate’s reaction is returned to the superior in this communication
system. So, top level management can decide what to do and what not do clearly understand and
 Creating favorable environment: Upward communication helps to develop a favorable working
situation in an organization by creating a good relation among all employees.
 Promote harmony: Upward communication creates friendly environment in the organization which
lead to peaceful and harmonious relationship among the subordinates and superiors.
 Decision making: Top level executives or superiors needed much information before taking a
decision on a particular issue. Subordinates supply this information through the help of upward
 Developing creative and innovative ideas: Upward communication facilitates easy excess of the
employees or subordinate to the superiors in providing necessary constructive suggestions and
opinions about the work related issues of the organization.
 Facilitating collective decision: Since upward communication is participative in nature. It
communication allows the subordinates to convey their feelings, constructive suggestions and opinions
and the work related in the decision making process.
Lateral/Horizontal Communication
--Communication that takes place at same levels of hierarchy in an organization is called lateral communication, i.e.,
communication between peers, between managers at same levels or between any horizontally equivalent organizational


 It is time saving.
 It facilitates co-ordination of the task.
 It facilitates co-operation among team members.
 It provides emotional and social assistance to the organizational members.
 It helps in solving various organizational problems.
 It is a means of information sharing.
 It can also be used for resolving conflicts of a department with other
department or conflicts within a department
Diagonal Communication
 Communication that takes place between a
manager and employees of other
workgroups is called diagonal
communication. It generally does not
appear on organizational chart. For
instance - To design a training module a
training manager interacts with an
Operations personnel to enquire about the
way they perform their task.
External Communication
 Communication that takes
place between a manager
and external groups such as
- suppliers, vendors, banks,
financial institutes etc. For
instance - To raise capital the
Managing director would
interact with the Bank
Guidelines for Effective Business Communication
Use of Body Language in Communication
Grapevine Communication
 Grapevine is an informal channel of business communication. It is called so because it
stretches throughout the organization in all directions irrespective of the authority levels.
Man as we know is a social animal. Despite existence of formal channels in an
organization, the informal channels tend to develop when he interacts with other people in
organization. It exists more at lower levels of organization.
 Grapevine generally develops due to various reasons. One of them is that when an
organization is facing recession, the employees sense uncertainty. Also, at times
employees do not have self-confidence due to which they form unions. Sometimes the
managers show preferential treatment and favour some employees giving a segregated
feeling to other employees. Thus, when employees sense a need to exchange their views,
they go for grapevine network as they cannot use the formal channel of communication in
that case. Generally during breaks in cafeteria,the subordinates talk about their superior’s
attitude and behaviour and exchange views with their peers. They discuss rumours about
promotion and transfer of other employees. Thus, grapevine spreads like fire and it is not
easy to trace the cause of such communication at times.
Grapevine Communication (Cont'd)
Advantages Disavantages
 Grapevine channels carry information rapidly. As soon  The grapevine carries partial information at times as it
as an employee gets to know some confidential is more based on rumours. Thus, it does not clearly
information, he becomes inquisitive and passes the depicts the complete state of affairs.
details then to his closest friend who in turn passes it  The grapevine is not trustworthy always as it does not
to other. Thus, it spreads hastily. follows official path of communication and is spread
 The managers get to know the reactions of their more by gossips and unconfirmed report.
subordinates on their policies. Thus, the feedback  The productivity of employees may be hampered as
obtained is quick compared to formal channel of they spend more time talking rather than working.
communication.  The grapevine leads to making hostility against the
 The grapevine creates a sense of unity among the executives.
employees who share and discuss their views with  The grapevine may hamper the goodwill of the
each other. Thus, grapevine helps in developing organization as it may carry false negative information
group cohesiveness. about the high level people of the organization.
 The grapevine serves as an emotional supportive  A smart manager should take care of all the
value. disadvantages of the grapevine and try to minimize
 The grapevine is a supplement in those cases where them. At the same time, he should make best
formal communication does not work. possible use of advantages of grapevine.
Oral Communication
 It implies communication through mouth. It
includes individuals conversing with each other,
be it direct conversation or telephonic
conversation. Speeches, presentations,
discussions are all forms of oral
communication. Oral communication is
generally recommended when the
communication matter is of temporary kind or
where a direct interaction is required. Face to
face communication (meetings, lectures,
conferences, interviews, etc.) is significant so
as to build a rapport and trust.
Oral Communication (Cont'd)
Advantages Disavantages
 There is high level of understanding and transparency in oral  Relying only on oral communication may not be sufficient
communication as it is interpersonal. as business communication is formal and very organized.
 There is no element of rigidity in oral communication. There is  Oral communication is less authentic than written
flexibility for allowing changes in the decisions previously communication as they are informal and not as organized
taken. as written communication.
 The feedback is spontaneous in case of oral communication.  Oral communication is time-saving as far as daily
Thus, decisions can be made quickly without any delay. interactions are concerned, but in case of meetings, long
speeches consume lot of time and are unproductive at
 Oral communication is not only time saving, but it also saves
upon money and efforts. times.
 Oral communications are not easy to maintain and thus
 Oral communication is best in case of problem resolution. The
conflicts, disputes and many issues/differences can be put to
they are unsteady.
an end by talking them over.  There may be misunderstandings as the information is
not complete and may lack essentials.
 Oral communication is an essential for teamwork and group
 It requires attentiveness and great receptivity on part of
the receivers/audience.
 Oral communication promotes a receptive and encouraging
 Oral communication (such as speeches) is not frequently
morale among organizational employees.
used as legal records except in investigation work.
 Oral communication can be best used to transfer private and
confidential information/matter.
Written Communication
 Written communication has great significance in
today’s business world. It is an innovative
activity of the mind. Effective written
communication is essential for preparing worthy
promotional materials for business
development. Speech came before writing. But
writing is more unique and formal than speech.
Effective writing involves careful choice of
words, their organization in correct order in
sentences formation as well as cohesive
composition of sentences. Also, writing is more
valid and reliable than speech. But while
speech is spontaneous, writing causes delay
and takes time as feedback is not immediate.
Written Communication (Cont'd)
Advantages Disavantages
 Written communication helps in laying down apparent  Written communication does not save upon the costs.
principles, policies and rules for running of an organization.  It costs huge in terms of stationery and the manpower
employed in writing/typing and delivering letters.Also, if
 It is a permanent means of communication. Thus, it is
the receivers of the written message are separated by
useful where record maintenance is required. distance and if they need to clear their doubts, the
 It assists in proper delegation of responsibilities. response is not spontaneous.
While in case of oral communication, it is impossible  Written communication is time-consuming as the
to fix and delegate responsibilities on the grounds of feedback is not immediate. The encoding and sending of
speech as it can be taken back by the speaker or he message takes time.
may refuse to acknowledge.  Effective written communication requires great skills and
 Written communication is more precise and explicit. competencies in language and vocabulary use. Poor
writing skills and quality have a negative impact on
 Effective written communication develops and organization’s reputation.
enhances an organization’s image.  Too much paper work and e-mails burden is involved.
 It provides ready records and references.
 Legal defenses can depend upon written
communication as it provides valid records.
Oral vs. Written
Feedback Communication
 Receivers are not just passive absorbers of
messages; they receive the message and respond to
them. This response of a receiver to sender’s
message is called Feedback.
 Sometimes a feedback could be a non-verbal smiles,
sighs etc. Sometimes it is oral, as when you react to a
colleague’s ideas with questions or comments.
Feedback can also be written like - replying to an e-
mail, etc.
 Feedback is your audience’s response; it enables you
to evaluate the effectiveness of your message. If your
audience doesn’t understand what you mean, you
can tell by the response and then refine the message
Manager Feedback
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