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Nutritional Potential of Moringa Oliefera

Dipanshu Ranjan *, sadaf nazir* Shubhangi Nigam ,Brajendra Shukla ,S.K katiyar
Department of Food Technology, Institute of Engineering & Technology
Bundelkhand University, jhansi, 284128



Moringa is a plant that is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Moringa oleifera is a rich source of various macro and micro nutrients of importance in human nutrition. The leaves, mucilage, flowers, and fruit
Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It is also grown in the tropics.
are. It is a multipurpose tree or significant econonmic because of its several and industrial and medicinal application and various product to be
The leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and root are used to make
medicine. Moringa oleifera is a rich source of various macro and micro used as food as food and feed which can be derived from leavs and from leaves fruit. Moringa oliefera is referred to as the miracle plant or the
nutrients of importance in human nutrition. The leaves, mucilage,
tree or the life.
flowers, and fruit contain various nutrients. It is a typical multipurpose
tree of significant economic because of its several and industrial and Moringa oliefera is exceptionally nutrituous with a variety of uses.
medicinal application. Reports indicate that moringa leaves are rich in
•Almost all the parts of this miracle tree have been found to be very useful leaves are used as forage tree trunk for making gums, flower nector
protein. Moringa leaves are relatively a good source of vitamin,
minerals, essential amino acid, and vitamin C contents in leaves. in honey and powderd seeds for water purification fuglie.(1999) .
Moringa is believed to have many benefits and its range uses from
•Moringa oliefera leaf has been used as an alternative food source to combot malnutrition, espacially among children and infants.
health to helping prevent and cure diseases. It can treat edema, protect
the liver, treat cancer, make bones healthier and reduce high blood
pressure. Flowers of moringa contain flavonoids such as quercetin,
kaempferol, rhamnetin. In addition they are reported to be rich in
Calcium, Pottassium, waxes and alkaloids. The flowers can act as an
anticancer agent. The carotenoids of flowers have been linked with
boosting of the immune system. The fruit of the tree is drumstick tree
which contain high levels of vitamin C and moderate levels of vitamin
B and dietary minerals. Moringa can lower cholesterol and may lower
blood sugar level and may reduce inflammation. The applications of
moringa oleifera involve the use of seed extract to treat coffee waste
Key words

• Plant being a source of Beta- carotene , B vitamin, C vitamin, Provitamin A , Vitamin k,

manganese and protein among other essential nutrients.
• calcium in moringa leaves is bound as a crystal or calcium oxalate.
• Roots are used as a condiment with sharp flavour quantites driving from significant content of
• Bark is an appetizer and digestive.


LP (2010).
Micrographs of cookie surface fortified with
MODachana et al., LP (2010)


• Moringa leaves are relatively a good source of vitamin, minerals, essential amino acid, and vitamin C.  Bose, C.K., 2007. Possible role of Moringa oleifera
• It can treat edema, protect the liver, treat cancer, make bones healthier and reduce high blood Lamroot in epithelial ovarian cancer. Med. Gen.
Med. 9, 26–34.
El Sohaimy SA, Hamad GM, Mohamed SE, Amar
• Flowers of moringa contain flavonoids such as quercetin, kaempferol, rhamnetin. MH, Al-
• They are rich in Calcium, Pottassium, waxes and alkaloids. Hindi RR. Biochemical and functional properties of
• The carotenoids of flowers have been linked with boosting of the immune system. The fruit of the tree Moringa
is drumstick tree which contain high levels of vitamin C and moderate levels of vitamin B and dietary oleifera leaves and their potential as a functional food.
minerals. Glob Adv
• Moringa can lower cholesterol and may lower blood sugar level and may reduce inflammation. The Res J Agric Sci 2015; 4(4): 188-199.
applications of moringa oleifera involve the use of seed extract to treat coffee waste water.

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