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Take Charge of Your Health

Dr Shalini Jauhari
Nutrition and Diet
Diet refer to the food and drink a person consumes daily and the mental
and physical circumstances connected to eating.

Nutrition involves more than simply eating a “good” diet—it is about

nourishment on every level. It involves relationships with family, friends,
nature (the environment), our bodies, our community, and the world.
How Diet Impacts Health
People whose dietary patterns include fresh, whole foods like fruits
and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean meats, and fish have a
lower incidence of major chronic disease and especially of diet-
related diseases.
Unfortunately, the diet of kids and youngsters is heavy in saturated
fats, partially-hydrogenated oils, refined carbohydrates, and highly
processed foods.
This diet, in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, large portion
sizes, and high stress, is blamed for the increase in obesity and
associated diseases.
Diseases associated with obesity include Type II Diabetes, high
blood pressure, coronary Heart Disease, stroke, gallbladder
disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, and
including breast cancer in women.
How Diet impacts Health:
Facts and Myths
Fats : Not no-no anymore: The emerging scientific consensus is that
eating the right kind of fats is important to health and for the prevention
of disease.

Eating too much or too little: According to the National Eating Disorders
Association, in the United States alone, 20 million women and 10 million
men have suffered from an eating disorder at some time in their lives.
These disorders are significant threats to health and are often chronic.
Nourishment: Eat Mindfully
Nourishing ourselves: The increase in both eating disorders and obesity
dramatically demonstrate that diet is not just about giving your body
Nutrition involves more than simply eating a “good” diet—it is about
nourishment on every level. It involves relationships with family, friends,
nature (the environment), our bodies, our community, and the world.
Nourishing yourself engages every aspect of your being—physical, social,
emotional, mental, and spiritual. When any of these aspects are
unbalanced, eating behaviors can suffer.
Consume mostly nutrient-dense foods, which include fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and
Nourishment: Eat Mindfully
Consume fewer foods with sodium (salt), saturated fats, trans fats,
cholesterol, added sugars, and refined grains: specifically recommends
reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas.

Balance calories with physical activity to maintain a healthy weight and

reduce the risk of chronic disease
Nourishment: Eat Mindfully
Use plant foods as the foundation of meals: Most of the calories in your
diet should come from a variety of whole-grain products, vegetables,
and fruits. Plant foods provide a variety of vitamins and minerals
essential for health, and most are naturally low in fat.

Plant foods—such as whole-grain breads and cereals, vegetables, and

fruits—provide fiber, which is important for proper bowel function and
may lower the risk for heart disease and some cancers
Nourishment: Eat Mindfully
Get enough calcium-rich foods: Consume some low-fat or fat-free milk
or an equivalent amount of calcium each day through other calcium rich
foods or a dietary supplement.

Soy beverages that are fortified with calcium (like soy milk) are
considered equivalent to milk in nutritional and calcium content, but
plant-based “milks” (almond, rice, coconut, hemp) are not.
Nourishment: Eat Mindfully
Keep saturated and trans fats low (and total fat intake moderate)
The fats from meat, milk, and milk products are the main sources of
saturated fats in most diets, so select lean meats, poultry, fish, and low-
fat milk products

Many bakery products are also sources of saturated fats and trans fatty
acids, such as palm oil and partially hydrogenated oils.

The Dietary Guidelines recommend shifting from solid fats to oils in food
preparation (for example, using vegetable oil instead of butter in
Nourishment: Eat Mindfully
Restrict sugar and salt: The naturally occurring sugars, salts, and fats in
our food are important components of a healthy diet and are not to be
mistaken for the multitude of artificial sugars, salts, and fats commonly
added to foods.

Eat moderate portions: Be especially careful to limit portion sizes of

foods high in calories, such as baked goods, French fries, and fats and
Nourishment: Drink Mindfully
Eight glasses of water, 2 cups of tea/1cup coffee is recommended
Use alcohol in moderation: Alcohol provides empty caloriess and is
harmful when consumed in excess. Some people should not drink at all,
such as children and adolescents, pregnant women, those with liver or
other diseases, those taking certain medications that interact with
alcohol, and those who can't restrict their drinking.

Moderation is defined as one drink per day for women and two drinks
per day for men.

One drink is 360ml of beer, 15ml of wine, or 45ml of hard liquor.

Criticisms of the 2015-2020
Dietary Guidelines

Sodas and sugary beverages contribute to chronic disease.

Red and processed meats contribute to cancer.

Beef production has a significantly negative impact on the environment.

Smart Eating
Start Small
Acknowledge and honor your hunger-listen to your body: Allow yourself
to feel your hunger .Accept and embrace it.
Get rid of distractions-turn off the television/screen: technology adds
yet another layer between you and mindful eating
Engage with your food-before, during and after your meal: finally sit
down and really enjoy it.
Understand your emotions, but don’t eat because of them
Get rid of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ labels
Smart Eating
Eat with others-share a meal/your food
Be Slow to finish your food.
Stop before you feel full
Have fun-enjoy the process
Eat from all food groups:
Fruits veggies
Protein and
Healthy and Safe Cooking
Healthy Safe
• Use healthy cooking methods • Wash hands and surfaces
such as steaming, broiling, often Wash all fruits and
grilling and roasting.
vegetables before eating.
• Cook foods in as little water and
for as short a period of time as • Separate raw, cooked, and
possible to preserve all water ready-to-eat foods.
soluble vitamins (Bs and C).
• Keep hot foods hot (above
• Use a variety of herbs and spices 140 degrees) and cold foods
• Avoid packaged or processed cold (below 40 degrees)
• When in doubt, throw it out.
Life Style Diseases: Obesity
Globally, 14.2 million people between the ages of 30-69 years, die
prematurely each year from diseases like heart attack, diabetes, and
high blood pressure.
Body Mass Index is a simple calculation using a person's height and
weight. The formula is BMI = kg/m2 where kg is a person's weight in
kilograms and m2 is their height in metres squared. A BMI of 25.0 or
more is overweight, while the healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9.
Anybody who is overweight suffers from breathing issues, blood
pressure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc.
According to the National Family Health Survey, India ranks second with
155 million obese citizens and this number is increasing at 33-51% every
Life Style Diseases :Type II
As mentioned in the first point, obesity is one of the primary causes of
Type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is the non-insulin form which develops
in adults due to poor eating habits and bad lifestyle choices. India has
the largest number of diabetics with type II at 40.9 million. This number
is increasing with kids entering the bandwagon.
Life Style Diseases:
Arteriosclerosis occurs when the arterial blood vessel walls thicken and
lose elasticity. This usually causes blood circulation disorders, chest pain,
and heart attacks. Arteriosclerosis is also linked to obesity, diabetes and
high blood pressure.

Atleast 30-40% of cardiovascular deaths happen in the age group of 34-

64 in India.
Life Style Diseases: Heart
Any irregularity or abnormality which affects the heart muscle and
blood vessel walls can be referred to as a heart disease. Smoking,
diabetes and high cholesterol contribute to its development in the body.

India ranks number one when it comes to cardio patients with 50 million
suffering heart health issues
Life Style Diseases: High blood
Some very common reasons for high blood pressure are stress, obesity,
genetic factors and unhealthy eating habits. When the reading in the
blood pressure machine is 140/90 or higher, your blood pressure is high.
Once this happens, you will feel severe discomfort.

Hundred million in India suffer from high blood pressure.

Life Style Diseases: Swimmer’s
Ear & Cancer
When you use headphones constantly and are exposed to loud music
more than you should be, the ultimate result of this is swimmer’s ear.
Swimmer’s ear causes inflammation, irritation or infection in the ear
canal or the outer ear. According to studies, 12.5% approximately have
suffered permanent damage to their hearing due to constant exposure
to noise. This number is said to be increasing by the year.
Due to the stressful lifestyle that we lead now, our body’s immunity has
decreased. This means that the white blood cells lose their power to
fight the viruses that enter our body. Because of this, there may be an
irregular cell growth, which can be concluded as cancer. Cancer can be
caused due to many reasons like prolonged smoking (lung cancer), too
much exposure to the sun (skin cancer).
Life Style Diseases: Stroke &
Stroke: When the blood vessel carrying blood to the brain has a
blockage leading to an oxygen deficiency for the area of the brain it
carried blood to, thresult of this is called stroke. High blood pressure, if
not taken care of in time with proper treatment, can lead to a stroke.
Stroke can also be caused due to hereditary reasons.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: COPB is caused by the

permanent obstruction of the airways. The increase in air pollution due
to factors like gas leaks and smoking can worsen this condition. In 2014,
4.3 million were diagnosed with this disease in India.
Life Style Diseases: Cirrhosis &
Cirrhosis: Cirrhosis can be defined as a group of liver disorders. Liver
can be severely affected by heavy alcohol consumption and chronic
hepatitis. This has become a common lifestyle disease as many people
consume alcohol on a daily basis to deal with stress.

Nephritis: When there is swelling in the kidneys leading to abnormal

function, it is known as nephritis. There are many causes of nephritis,
one of them being an allergic reaction to a medication or antibiotic.
Other than this, it can also be caused due to bacterial infections, which
may enter through street foods not prepared in hygienic conditions.
Take charge of your and your loved
ones health,
Because it’s important.

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