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Social Institution

In sociology the study of social institution is very important.
In society generally social institutions are considered more
important than individuals. The social institution determine the
standard of human character although theoretically social
institutions seem to be simple, but practically they are very

The functions of almost all social institutions are more or less

universal. e.g. in all societies the functions of the family are
same such as breeding, and caring of the children’s and
education etc. social institutions strength the human
Since these institutions uphold the balance in human
relationships, they don’t accept any change in their structure,
functions and roles etc easily. In shot, social institutions are an
abstract which have no visible structure, it can be understood
or viewed by observing the roles and functions of its members

Among important social institutions there are following

institutions: Family, economic, Religious and Political
institutions etc. according to Giddens the main functions of
these institutions is to preserve the activities of human beings.
.“ Social institution is an organization of
several folkways, mores and norms which
undertake different functions for the
betterment of Society.” ( A.W Green )
Structure of Institutions

Different members of society perform

different functions on account of which the
society is divided into different strata’s such as
Teacher, Manager, Engineer, Former etc. e.g.
the family is consist of children’s and parents
similarly religious institution is consist of
followers and clergy
Material Structure-:

The 2nd important element of social institutions is

the material structure where by the member
perform their functions. e.g. in economic
institutions we include machines, forms, and
stationery etc. for family we include house and
furniture etc. for religious institutions the places
where the members worship are included such as
Mosque, Temple, Church.

System is aggregation of those ways which organizes the

people and material structure of the particular social
institution. These ways guide the human character under the
certain principles. e.g. in political institutions there are
different system such as democracy and socialism etc are
adopted. Economic institutions may adopt capitalism or
socialism. In Religious institutions there are variety of
religions available such as Islam, Christianity, Buddhism
etc. in Family there are 2 systems single or multi marriages
Functions of Social Institutions
1) Economic institutions-: Economic institutions
fulfill the economic needs of the society. These
needs are provided under the system of production,
Distribution of Wealth, Expenditures and Services.

2) Political Functions-: Main objective of this

institution is to maintain social organization. This is
done through the governments and related bodies.
3) Familial Functions-: The main responsibility of social institution is
to increase the human race. Similarly the social institutions are
supposed to bring up the new generation this is done through the
family and marriage.

4) Religious Functions-: The principle aim of the religious institution

is to satisfy the religious or spiritual needs of the society. The
religious institutions uphold mutual relationship between human
being and God. it provide sustainability and durability to society.

5) Social Control-: The basic objective of the social institutions is to

maintain social control in the society. Social institution provide
formation to its members through exemplary characters. Through
this formation it expected from the members that they would be
following these models in their normal routine social life
6) Social Transformation-: The social institutions protect the
social inheritance by transforming it from one generation to
another. If this transformation is not done then it will be
difficult to sustain the existences of the society. e.g. in our
daily life we act and behave what ever we are taught during
the process of socialization.

7) Socialization-: social institutions play vital role in the

socialization of the individuals. It is therefore, the members
of each society posses particular characteristics which
separate them from the other societies. The purposed
characteristics of social institutions are also necessary for
there own existents. For this purpose the social institutions
dose the socialization of its members.
Functions of the Family
1) Biological Function-: The most important function of family is
increase of human beings along with bringing up the children.
Without this the human generation can not maintain its existence.

2) Love and Affection-: Family is the basic source of love and

affection in society. Family gives love and affection to its members
in any case. It also satisfies the needs of a person due to love and
affection among husband, wife, children and family which
strengthened social life..

1) Educational Function-: Family is the first school of the children.

The family gives basic formation to the children although the schools
are major source of education but first and foremost education comes
from family. The family focuses on social and religious education.
4) Recreational Function-: the family does take care
of recreational needs of its members. It is the family
which teaches a person about the limits to fulfill the
recreational needs.

5) Religious Function-: family is the first source

which gives religious identity to the children. We
are not born Muslims or Christian it is the family
which gives us religious identity. With the initiation
of the socialization process the religious formation
is also started.
6) Function of Social Protection-: the family provide
protection to its members from every kind of social
and natural problems. It gives psychological as well
as social support to the members.

7) Economic Function-: the parents work hard for the

economic empowerment of their children they bring
them up and send them for formal education so that
they ma be able to earn their lively hood. Incase of
unemployment it is the family which takes care of a
 Marriage is a relation between man and women which is acknowledged by
society. The state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as
husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by

 Types of Marriage-:

 Monogamy: Marriage of one person to anther person.

 Polygamy : Marriage of a man to two or more women.
 Polyandry : Marriage of a women to two or more men.
 Exogamy : One can marry out of caste, class,
group, or even out of religion.
 Endogamy : One is bound to marry within the
caste, class, group, or a religion. Its most
popular and acceptable type.
Political Institution
 keeps the society organized and united through the
organ of government. To understand the political
institution one should try to understand.

What is Government?

 Government-: Government is a group of people

which is responsible for social organization and
administration. It utilizes the force if required to
perform this duty.
Law and order / Administrative Functions-: To maintain social
organization and administration.

Welfare Function-: To provide welfare services to the masses without any

discrimination of class, color etc.

Economic Function-: It is the prime responsibility of the government to

maintain economic justice. The government control over the economic
resources and mainly responsible for their equal distribution.

Mediatory and Judicial Function-: It is also important function of the

government to provide mediatory and judicial services. The government
maintains the balance among all the classes in the state.

Protection of Resources-: Function of the government to protect and

preserve the natural and human resources of the country.
Functions of religion
1) Guidance of Human Character: Religion protect the
social values.

2) Answer of Supernatural concepts and powers: the

Religion reduces the Humans curiosity by giving the answer
of supernatural concepts and powers.

3) Satisfaction of Human Desires: the Religion provides

internal satisfaction to human beings it provides them love,

4) Education: the Religion facilitates and guides the human

beings in their personal and social life.
5) The maintenance of Social Organization:
Religion maintains the social organization by
promoting the teachings of moral in this way,
it promote the value of good and bad for the
necessary social control.

6) Social cohesion: Because of its focus on the

sacred, religion creates a sense of common
purpose and unity.

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