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͞a perfect response to an imperfect storm͟

i d at is Business Documents?
i Types of Business Documents
i Business driting Tips by David Speaker
i Elements of a Business Letter
i Business Letter Format
i T e Letter eads
i Paper Use in Formal Letter
i Business Memos
i Elements of a Business Memo
i Formatting Business Memos
iew Point

As researc ers, t ey are indeed excellent t ey͛re

strategies, decisions performance can͛t be
questioned and criticized. As a manager,
situations like t ese t e organizational culture
matters a lot.
Statement of t e Problem

How to cope up wit inevitable circumstances

suc as a response to a storm?
Areas of Consideration
i Commitment - Total Commitment to t e s ared success of t eir employees,
customers and s are olders.
i Freedom ʹ
i C allenge and Involvement ʹ involvement of ot er state to elp t e Sout ern
i Time ʹ t e company s ould regenerate power as muc as possible (s ortest
period of time)
i Conflict Resolutions
i Decentralization ʹ
i Outcome Oriented
i Superior Performance - in all t ey do - safety first, teamwork, diversity and
continuous improvement.
i Unquestionable Trust - w ere onest, fairness and integrity drive t eir corporate
be avior. T ey keep t eir promises and et ical be avior is a cornerstone of ow
t ey do business.
‰uest 1.Describe ow you t ink new employees Mississippi power ͞learn͟
t e culture.
Answer. Organizational culture as been described as t e s ared values,
principles, traditions, s ared values and practices ave evolved over time and
determine, to a large extent, ow t ings done in t e organization.
Employees ͞learn͟ an organization͛s culture in a number of ways. T e most
common are stories,
Rituals, material symbols and language.
Many organizations and units wit in
organizations use language as a way to identify
and unite members of a culture. By learning t is
language, members attest to t eir acceptance of
t e culture and t eir willingness to elp preserve
it. T e Mississippi power employees ͞learn͟ t e
Organizational culture by two ways w ic we are
mentioning below:
ë¦ ë ¦

In Mississippi power one key elements is t e

company͛s can do organizational culture, w ic is
evidenced by important values inscribed on
employees͛ IDENTIFICATION TAGS ͞unquestionable
trust͟ Superior performance, total
commitment.͟Because t e values were visible daily,
employees knew t eir importance

T e employees at Mississippi power worked in difficult

and demanding situation in t e wake of
urricane Katrina. For t eir dedicated and devoted
work during t e situation t e Mississippi power
was onored wit an ͞emergency response award͟
by t e Edison electric institute in January 2006
it͛s an award t at all t e company͛s -employees are
proud of. During suc situations do stories of
various employees and t e culture of t e company
come forward and new employees can learn from
t ese stories t e real culture of t e company.

d at stake older mig t be important to Mississippi

power? d at concern mig t eac of t ese stake
olders ave? dould t ese stake olders c ange if
t ere was a disaster to w ic t e company ad to

Stake olders are any constituencies in an organization͛s
environment t at are affected by t e organization͛s decisions
and actions. Stake olders include bot internal and external
groups. As bot can effect w at an organization does
and ow it operates. Managers care about stake older͛s
relations ip for one t ing; doing so can lead
to desirable organizational outcomes, suc as improved
predictability of environmental c anges, more
successful innovations greater degree of trust among
stake olders and greater organizational
As a provider of one of t e most important services, almost
all stake olders are important to t e Mississippi power
company suc as (employees, customers, trade and
industry associations, governments, s are olders
As for t e concerns t at eac stake older mig t ave:

are t eir main concern is to restore t e power
network as soon as possible. T ey mig t also be concerns
t at t eir efforts s ould be encourage and reward must be
given to boost t eir motivation level
 : t eir concern will be about being reconnected
wit power
 : Government can also be stake older as
government can earn tax revenue from company and it͛s
also t e responsibility of government to provide electricity
to citizen of state.
  : S are olders are also key stake older in
company as t ey ave invested in company. T ey mainly
concerns wit t e profitability of company.
In case of a disaster, stake olders will not c ange;
owever, t e company͛s priorities will c ange, in
our case, restoring t e power network; i.e., employees are
t e most important stake olders
‰uestion #3
d at could ot er organization learn from Mississippi
power about t e importance of organization culture?
Ans: T e ot er organization can understand t e
company͛s decentralized decision making approac to
contribute to t e way in w ic employees were able to
accomplis w at t ey did. T e old
approac were responding to a disaster wit top down
decision making being pus furt er down to t e
electrical substation level, a distribution point t at
serves some 5,000 people.
T is structure made t ings appen faster t en t e
expected people were getting more done.͟At t e end all
employees if Mississippi power worked in difficult
treac erous and often dangerous situations did w at t ey
ad to do t ey got t e job done t e reorganization of t e
company͛s outstanding efforts to restore power in t e
wake of urricane Katrina Mississippi power was onored
wit an ͞emergency response award͟
by t e Edison electric institute in January 2006 its an
award t at all t e company͛s employees can be proud of.
Ot er organization could learn from t e Mississippi power
company t eir values, principles, and traditions and ow
t ey influence t eir employees and allow t em to take
risks and innovate in order to complete t eir tasks.
Ot er organizations could also learn t at in strong and
dynamic cultures almost all goals could be ac ieved
t roug delegation of aut ority, decentralization,
motivation of employees. And after all, rewarding and
recognizing successful employees, also conveying t e
company͛s culture to new employees.

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