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- The key to Success

 Effective communication is really not natural or easy for most of us  Depending on our environment, communication can take several forms: verbal, non-verbal, email, phone, memos, letters, instant messaging, text messaging, video conferencing, and more  Every communication seeks a response  The response needs to address verbal, mental and emotional layers of the message  One needs adaptability to various forms of communication to meet the demands of situation  Do not assume you have been understood


 Better to over-communicate than under-communicate.  Never assume! Ask questions for clarification.  If unsure about information, be Proactive and seek information.  Be generous with your information; do not hold back on information.  If you think of something that needs discussion, do it now and do not put-it off.



The 6 Cardinal Rules are the foundation of communication. y Analyze your communicative efforts in the light of the 6 Cardinal Rules y Be aware of your areas of strength with regard to these rules y Work gradually but persistently to practice the 6 Cardinal Rules

Cardinal rule 1
Be Clear Determine the Purpose
y Unless you determine the purpose of why you are in an

interaction with the other Person, you may speak for quite a long time without getting anywhere. You would also find it hard to estimate when it is time to stop and may repeat what has already been said, thus annoying the other Person, because he may feel his time is being wasted. So, first, determine what response is required to your communication and then let the receiver know it.

Cardinal rule 2
Be Prepared (Who? What? When? Where? Which? Why?How?)
Keep at hand all details related to your communication. Write down everything youneed to know at the end of the interaction, so you can check no details are omitted. Determine ahead who you need to talk with, what mode of communication suits your requirement best and be aware, if the time is suitable.

Cardinal rule 3
Be Simple
Avoid jargons that the other person may not understand. Speak short, simple sentences and pause often, to check understanding. Do not repeat information unless asked, however do summarize at the very end of the conversation, so there is complete agreement on what has been said. Proceed step-by-step when imparting information, and never gush out the whole story in one breath and expect others to understand!

Cardinal rule 4
Be Vivid
Drive your point with examples, metaphors, stories and experiences to get instant comprehension from your receiver/listener.

Cardinal rule 5
Be Natural
y While communication requires you to adapt to different people and

circumstances, do not pretend to be another person altogether to impress the audience. y Understand the use of new words and phrases exactly before using them yourself. y Always ask for clarification when you have not understood something or missed a part of the communication due to any reason, and do not just ignore it and hope it was nothing important.

Be Concise
y Keep to the point at all times. Nothing is more tiresome than a

rambling y Communicator who keeps everyone waiting while wandering round and round the point. Being well-prepared and tracking time helps to keep the interaction from wandering off-track. Also gently guiding the conversation back-on-track may need to be done from time to time.

Watch your style!!

Self Assessment Understanding the Communication Style

Improving one's communication skill with others begins with recognizing one's own communication style. The next step is to identify the other's communication style in the interaction. In the light of this knowledge, one can identify why there are often failures in communication. People predominantly demonstrate specific communication styles in an interaction.


The three basic communication styles are  Aggressive Communication  Passive Communication  Assertive Communication


 choose and make decisions for others.  are brutally honest.  are direct and forceful.  are self enhancing and derogatory.  participate in a win-lose situation only if they will win.  demand their own way.  feel righteous, superior, controlling later possibly feeling guilt.

 others feel humiliated, defensive, resentful and hurt around them.  others view them in the exchange as angry, vengeful, distrustful

and fearful.  the outcome is usually that their goal is achieved at the expense of others.  their underlying belief system is that you have to put others down to protect yourself.


 allow others to choose and make decisions for them.  are emotionally reticent.  are indirect and self denying.  are inhibited.  feel anxious, ignored, helpless, manipulated, angry at

themselves and/or others.  others feel guilty or superior and frustrated with them.

 others view you in the exchange as a pushover and that you dont

know what you want or how you stand on an issue.  the outcome is that others achieve their goals at the passive individuals expense.


 choose and make decisions for themselves.  are sensitive and caring with others.  are direct.  are self-respecting, self expressive and straight forward.  convert win-lose situations to win-win ones.  are willing to compromise and negotiate.  feel confident, self-respecting, goal-oriented, valued.

 others feel valued and respected.  others view them with respect, trust and understand where they

stand.  the outcome is determined by above-board negotiation.  the underlying belief is that one has a responsibility to protect their own rights.  they respect others but not necessarily their behavior.


y Assertive communication is the ability to speak and interact in a

manner that considers and respects the rights and opinions of others while also standing up for your own rights, needs and personal boundaries. y Assertive communication creates opportunities for open discussion with a variety of opinions, needs and choices to be respectfully heard and considered in order to achieve a win-win solution to problems rather than selfishly (aggressively) demanding to get my own way.

Benefits of Using Assertive Speech and Behaviors

 Reduces anxiety and stress often caused by misunderstandings and

conflicts.  Allows you to express your thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively.  Self-esteem and self-confidence is enhanced and you have better control over your own life.  Others have more respect for your ideas and opinions by knowing where you stand.

 Relationships with others are greatly improved by disagreeing

without being hostile.  Having the ability to say no when you mean no without feeling self-conscious.  Motivates others to clearly state their own opinions and ideas.  Allows you to ask for help when needed without fear and stress.

How to Communicate Effectively and Build SelfConfidence

 Change your Mindset  Use I phrases  Be Specific and Direct  Respect Yourself and Others  Prepare and Practice


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