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Consumer Learning

Main Topics
The Elements of Consumer Learning Behavioral Learning Theories Cognitive Learning Theory Measures of Consumer Learning

Elements of Consumer Learning

The process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and experience that they apply to future related behavior Four Basic Elements Need for Learning:


-response -reinforcement

Two Learning Theories

Behavioral Theories

behave (act) as a result of exposure to


Cognitive Theories
-learning -often

based on mental information processing

in response to problem solving

Behavioral Learning Theories

-classical conditioning
-instrumental conditioning -modeling or observational learning

Classical Conditioning

(Prentice Hall, 2007)

Strategic Applications of Classical Conditioning

Repetition Increases the association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus
-slows the pace of forgetting

-advertising wear out is a problem

Strategic Applications of Classical Conditioning

.stimulus generalization .learning also depends on consumers ability to generalize Having the same response to slightly different stimuli .helps me too proceeds to succeed .useful in product (brand , line , form)extensions

Strategic Applications of Classical Conditioning

Stimulus discrimination
Selection of a specific stimulus from similar stimuli This discrimination is the basis of positioning which looks for unique ways to fill needs

Instrumental Conditioning
Learning occurs through trial-and-error and rewards. -positive vs. negative reinforcement -customer satisfaction -reinforcement schedules -shaping

before behavior

Cognitive Learning Theory

Human beings are problem solvers. This enables individuals to gain some control over their environment. Information Processing

.cognitive ability of the consumers and the complexity of the information affects processing .Imagery and Information Processing: consumers differ in their ability to form mental images which influences information processing

Storing, Retaining and Retrieving Information

(Prentice Hall, 2007)

Product & Purchase Involvement

Involvement depends on degree of personal relevance the product or purchase hold for the consumer. High involvement is:

the decision is very important to the consumers -provokes extensive problem solving High involvement consumers narrow categorizers Low involvement consumers broad categorizer

Central and Peripheral Routes to Persuasion (ELM)

Central route to persuasion


high involvement purchases -requires cognitive processing

Peripheral route to persuasion


involvement -consumer less motivated to think -learning through repetition , visual cues , and holistic perception

Involvement and learning

Message eg ad High involvement Low involvement

Greater attention Deeper processing

Low attention Peripheral processing

Develops strong attitudes and purchase intention

Generates weak attitude and increased use of cues

Measures of Consumer Learning

Recognition and Recall Measures


and unaided recall , other responses

Cognitive Responses to Advertising

- comprehension

Attitudinal and Behavioral Measures of Brand Loyalty

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