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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Introduction to Programming Spring - 2010
Lec14 Structures Prepared by Saadia Aziz
2010 saadia aziz COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 1

Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Collection of multiple data types that can referenced with single name It may contain similar or different data types

Difference between array and structure

Array consists of a set of variables of same data type

Structure may consist of different data types

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Declaring a Structure
The syntax for declaring a structure is as follows: struct struct_name { Data_type1 Identifier1; Data_type2 Identifier2; : : };
The declaration tells the compiler about the details of the structure. The compiler does not allocate memory
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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Declaring a Structure (Contd)

struct: It is the keyword that is used to declare a structure struct_name: It is the name of the structure. The name of the structure also known as structure tag Data_type1: It indicates data type of first member of the structure Identifier1: It indicates the name of first member of the structure Data_type2: It indicates data type of second member of the structure Identifier2: It indicates the name of second member of the structure The structure declaration is terminated by a semicolon. It is also called as structure specifier
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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Declaring a Structure (Contd)

Example: struct Student { int RollNo, Marks; float Average; char Grade; };
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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Defining Structure Variable (Contd)

Syntax: Struct_Name Identifier; Struct_Name: Name of the structure Identifier: Name of the variable to be identified

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Defining Structure Variable

Structure variable can be defined after the declaration of a structure The process of defining a structure variable is same as defining a variable of basic data type such as int and char The definition tells the compiler to allocate memory space for the variable

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Defining Structure Variable (Contd)

Example: Student Ali; The above example defines a structure variable Ali. The variable consists of four members as specified in structure declaration

Roll No




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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Accessing Members of Structure Variable

struct_var.mem_var; struct_var: Name of structure variable

mem_var: Name of the member variable to be accessed

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Accessing Members of Structure Variable (Contd)

Student Ali; Ali.RollNo=10; Ali.Marks=786; Ali.Average=89.52; Ali.Grade=A;

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Accessing Members of Structure Variable (Contd)

cin>>Ali.RollNo; cin>>Ali.Marks; cin>>Ali.Average; cin>>Ali.Grade; cout<<Ali.RollNo; cout<<Ali.Marks; cout<<Ali.Average; cout<<Ali.Grade;

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Write a program that declares a structure to store Roll No, Marks, Average and Grade of a student. The program should define a structure variable, input the values and then displays these values.

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Lecture 14: Structures struct Student { int RollNo, Marks; float Average; char Grade; }; void main( ) { Student s; cout<<"Enter Roll No"; cin>>s.RollNo; cout<<"Enter Marks"; cin>>s.Marks; cout<<"Enter Average"; cin>>s.Average; cout<<"Enter Grade"; cin>>s.Grade;

Introduction to Programming


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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Solution (Contd)
cout<<"You entered the following details\n"; cout<<"RollNo"<<s.RollNo<<endl; cout<<"Marks"<<s.Marks<<endl; cout<<"Average"<<s.Average<<endl; cout<<"Grade"<<s.Grade<<endl;

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Write a program that declares a structure to store day, month and year of birth date. It inputs three values and displays date of birth in dd/mm/yy format.

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

struct birth { int day, month, year; }; void main( ) { birth b; cout<<"Enter day of birth"; cin>>; cout<<"Enter month of birth"; cin>>b.month; cout<<"Enter year of birth"; cin>>b.year; cout<<"\n Your date of birth is "<<<<"/"<<b.month<<"/"<<b.year<<endl; }
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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Write a program that declares a structure to store Book ID, price and pages of a book. It define three structure identifier and two member variable and input values. It displays the record of most costly book.

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

struct Book { int ID, pages; float price; }; void main( ) { Book b1,b2; cout<<"Enter ID, Pages and Price of Book 1:"<<endl; cin>>b1.ID>>b1.pages>>b1.price; cout<<"Enter ID, Pages and Price of Book 2:"<<endl; cin>>b2.ID>>b2.pages>>b2.price; cout<<"The most costly book is as follows\n";

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Solution (Contd)
if(b1.price>b2.price) { cout<<"Book ID: "<<b1.ID<<endl; cout<<"Pages: "<<b1.pages<<endl; cout<<"Price: "<<b1.price<<endl; } else { cout<<"Book ID: "<<b2.ID<<endl; cout<<"Pages: "<<b2.pages<<endl; cout<<"Price: "<<b2.price<<endl; } }

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Initializing Structure Variables

Process of assigning values to member variables of structure is called initialization of structure variable Struct_Name Identifier = {value1, value 2 ..}; Struct_Name: Name of the structure Identifier: Name of the structure variable Value1, Value2: Values that are used to initialize the structure variable `
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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Initializing Structure Variables (Contd)

Student Ali = {001, 786, 89.52, A};

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Write a program that declares a structure to store employee ID and salary of an employee. It defines and initialize a structure variable and displays it.

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Solution (Contd)
struct Emp { int Emp_ID, Sal; }; void main( ) { Emp e ={20,18500}; cout<<"Employee ID: " <<e.Emp_ID<<endl; cout<<"Salary: " <<e.Sal<<endl; } COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 23

Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Assigning One Structure Variable to Other

Student Ali = { 1, 1786, 89.52, A}; Student Abdullah = Ali;

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Write a program that declares a structure to store marks and grades of a student. It defines two structure variables. It input the values in one variable and assign that variable to the second variable. Finally, it displays the value of both variables

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Lecture 14: Structures Introduction to Programming struct Marks { int m; char g; }; void main( ) { Marks a,b; cout<<"Enter Marks: "; cin>>a.m; cout<<"Enter Grades: "; cin>>a.g; b=a; cout<<"The first record is as follows:\n"; cout<<"Marks: " <<a.m<<endl; cout<<"Grades: " <<a.g<<endl; cout<<"The second record is as follows:\n"; cout<<"Marks: " <<b.m<<endl; cout<<"Grades: " <<b.g<<endl; COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 26 }


Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Array as a Member of Structure

struct Student { int RollNo; int Marks[4]; };

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Array as a Member of Structure (Contd) Ali

[0] [1] [2] [3]

Roll No


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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Array as a Member of Structure (Contd)

Array stored in a structure can be accessed by using dot operator and index
The dot operator is used to refer to the array

Index is used to access the individual element of the array

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Array as a Member of Structure (Contd)

Student Ali; Ali.RollNo=10; Ali.Marks[0]=89; Ali.Marks[1]=93; Ali.Marks[2]=79; Ali.Marks[3]=95;

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Initializing a Structure with Array as Member

Student Ali = {10, {89, 93, 79, 95} };

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Write a program that declares a structure to store Roll No and marks of five subjects. It defines a structure variable, inputs the values and displays Roll No, Marks and Average Marks.

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

struct Test { int R_No; int m[5]; }; void main( ) { Test r; int i, t=0; float avg=0.0; cout<<"Enter Roll No: "; cin>>r.R_No;

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology


Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Solution (Contd)
for(i=0; i<5; i++) { cout<<"Enter Marks "<<i+1<<" "; cin>>r.m[i]; t=t+r.m[i]; } avg=t/5.0; cout<<"Roll No: "<<r.R_No<<endl; cout<<"Total Marks: " <<t<<endl; cout<<"Average: " <<avg; }

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Array of Structures
An array is a collection of same type of data An array can be of simple data type such as int, char or float An array can be of user defined data type such as structures An array of structure is a type of array in which each element contains a complete structure. It can be used to store many records
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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Array of Structures (Contd)

struct Book { int BookID, pages; float price; }; Book b[3]; b[0].BookID=1; b[0].pages=230; b[0].price=125;
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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Array of Structures (Contd)


Book ID Pages Price Book ID

Pages Price Book ID

Pages Price

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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Initializing Array of Structures

struct Book { int BookID, pages, float price; }; Book b[3]={{1,230,125.50},{2,480,185.7}, {3,360,145.50}};
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 38

Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Write a program that declares a structure to store ID, pages and price of a book. It defines an array of structures to store the records of five books. It inputs the records of five books and displays the record of most costly book.

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Lecture 14: Structures struct Book { int id, pages; float price; }; void main( ) { Book b[3]; float max; int m; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { cout<<"Enter Book ID "<<i+1<<" :"; cin>>b[i].id; cout<<"Enter Pages "<<i+1<< " :"; cin>>b[i].pages; cout<<"Enter price "<<i+1<<" :"; cin>>b[i].price; }

Introduction to Programming


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Lecture 14: Structures

Introduction to Programming

Solution (Contd)
max=b[0].price; m=0; for(int j=0; j<5; j++) { max=b[j].price; m=j; } cout<<"\n The record of most costly Book \n"; cout<<"Book ID: " <<b[m].id<<endl; cout<<"Pages: "<<b[m].pages<<endl; cout<<"Price: " <<b[m].price<<endl; }

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