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Ashok Kumar Murmu
Roll No. 10
Meanlng of Lralnlng
Cb[ecLlves of Lralnlng
lmporLance of Lralnlng
1ralnlng needs ldenLlflcaLlon
1ralnlng Areas ldenLlfled by 1ralners
need and lmporLance of managemenL uevelopmenL
1ralnlng LvaluaLlon
Why 1ralnlng falls?
1he sysLemaLlc developmenL of Lhe knowledge skllls and aLLlLudes
requlred by an lndlvldual Lo perform adequaLely a glven Lask or [ob"
M|chae| Armstrong
1he acL of lncreaslng knowledge and skllls of an employee for dolng a
parLlcular [ob"
Ldw|n 8 I||ppo
Meanlng of 1ralnlng
1ralnlng lndlcaLes any process by whlch Lhe apLlLudesskllls and ablllLles of
employees Lo perform speclflc [obs are lncreased
Troining heIps empIoyees fo improve fheir performonce in
currenf jobs.
Troining meons ocquiring fechnicoI knowIedge ond skiIIs
Acqulrlng lnLellecLual knowledge
Acqulrlng Manual skllls
Acqulrlng roblemsolvlng skllls
lmporLance of Lralnlng
1ralnlng ls an inteqro/ port of Lhe whole managemenL process
lL ls a pract|ca| and v|ta| necess|ty
reaLlng an eff|c|ent and effect|ve organlzaLlon
lmprovlng employee performance
Updat|ng employee skllls
1ralnlng ls wldely accepLed prob|emso|v|ng dev|ce
lL moulds Lhe employees aLLlLudes and helps Lhem Lo achleve a better co
operat|on wlLh Lhe company and a greaLer loyalLy Lo lL
lL helps ln reduc|ng d|ssat|sfact|on comp|a|nts gr|evances and absentee|sm
reduces Lhe rate of turnover
1ralnlng needs ldenLlflcaLlon
8efore an CrganlzaLlon lays ouL Lhe plan for Lralnlng lL needs Lo
Analyze Lhe organlzaLlonal ob[ecLlvesassess Lhe employee needs and Lraln
Lhe employees accordlngly
1ralnlng needs can be ldenLlfled wlLh Lhe help of 1hayer and McChee model
lL ls based on Lhe followlng Lhree facLors
1ota| Crgan|zat|on Ana|ys|s
2 1ask ana|ys|s
3 Man ana|ys|s
1oLal organlzaLlon analysls
It |nc|udes
a deLalled analysls of Lhe organlzaLlon sLrucLure
human resourses and fuLure plans
undersLandlng of lL's culLure and background
1he flrsL sLep ln CA ls achlevlng a clear undersLandlng of boLh shorLrun and longrun
1here are 3 essent|a| requ|rements for an organ|zat|on ana|ys|s
An adequaLe number of personnel avallable Lo ensure fulfllmenL of Lhe buslness operaLlon
2 1haL personnel performance ls up Lo Lhe requlred sLandards
3 1haL Lhe worklng envlronmenL ln Lhelr deparLmenLs ls favorable Lo fulfllmenL of Lasks
21ask analysls
1h|s act|v|ty |nvo|ve
a deta||ed exam|nat|on of a [ob
|ts components
Its var|ous operat|ons
1he cond|t|ons under wh|ch |t has to be performed
1he focus |s on the task |tse|f
Standard of performance
Lvery [ob has an expecLed sLandard of performanceknowledge of Lask
Wlll help ln undersLandlng whaL skllls knowledge and aLLlLudes an employee should have
Convent|ona| methods of [ob ana|ys|s are usua||y su|tab|e for task ana|ys|s 1hey are
A LlLeraLure revlew regardlng Lhe [ob
8 !ob performance
!ob observaLlon
3 Man analysls
lL ls Lhe Lhlrd componenL ln ldenLlfylng Lralnlng needs
lL helps Lo ldenLlfy wheLher Lhe lndlvldual employee requlres Lralnlng and
lf so whaL klnd of Lralnlng
1he pr|mary sources of such |nformat|on are
% CbservaLlon aL place or work examlnaLlon of [ob schedules quanLum of spollage and clues
abouL lnLerpersonal relaLlons of Lhe employees
2% lnLervlews wlLh superlors and employees
3% omparaLlve sLudles of good vs poor employees
4% ersonnel records
3% roducLlon reporLs
6% evlew of llLeraLure regardlng Lhe [ob and machlnes used
1ralnlng areas ldenLlfled by 1ralners
A survey conducted by S|nha |dent|f|ed the fo||ow|ng areas
Analysls of buslness envlronmenL (Soclaleconomlc and pollLlcal%
Ceneral managemenL LralnlngconslsLlng of areas llke plannlng organlzlng dlrecLlng
moLlvaLlng coordlnaLlng and conLrolllng
luncLlonal areas such as markeLlng personnel and flnance
Speclallzed LechnlqueorlenLed programmes such as producLlon plannlng malnLenance
managemenL value analysls works slmpllflcaLlon and lnLervlew Lechnlques
roblem solvlng and declslonmaklng
1ra|n|ng |s the respons|b|||ty of four ma|n groups
a 1he Lop managemenL
b 1he personnel deparLmenL
c Supervlsors
d Lmployees
Accordlng Lo rof !ohn Mee Lhe work of Lralnlng should be done
aL Lwo levels
1he Lralnlng deparLmenL Lakes Lhe maln responslblllLy for
Clvlng lnsLrucLlons Lo Lralnees
1ralnlng supervlsors Lo malnLaln human relaLlons
LxecuLlve developmenL
Llne supervlsors Lake Lhe responslblllLy for
CnLhe[ob lnsLrucLlon Lo employees
lnsLrucLlons ln Lechnlcal and professlonal aspecLs of a buslness
uevelopmenL of superlors and execuLlves Lhrough counsellng
ueparLmenLal communlcaLlon and sLaff meeLlngs
lnompany/LxLernal rogrammes
1he company has Lo Lake a declslon regardlng parLlclpaLlon ln programmes offered by
exLernal agencles llke educaLlonal managemenL lnsLlLuLes governmenL lnsLlLuLlons and
consulLanL programmes as compared Lo conducLlng lnhouse programmes
ln house Lralnlng may be good when number of employees ls large buL for small number of
employees ln house Lralnlng may noL be posslble
8uL Lhe cosL aspecL should also be consldered Many employees can be Lralned lnhouse aL
Lhe cosL equal Lo sendlng an employee Lo a exLernal programme
1he advanLages of exLernal programmes are
1hey provldes a fresh approach Lo an organlzaLlon
Lmployees learn dlfferenL Lechnlques and skllls Lhan Lhose offered by lnhouse programmes
1ralnlng 8udgeLs
A Lralnlng budgeL has Lo be prepared for each lnLernal
programme and lL lncludes
osL of faclllLles llke Lralnlng room food LransporL guesL faculLy and
Leachlng maLerlal
Wages and salary of employees who parLlclpaLe ln Lralnlng and remaln
absenL from Lhelr regular [obs
1he Lralner should plan hls Lralnlng acLlvlLles ln advance so
LhaL normal work ls noL dlsLurbed
ln lnhouse Lralnlng a large amounL of work has Lo be done
regardlng course deslgn preparaLlon of Leachlng maLerlal
admlnlsLraLlve arrangemenLs eLc
ln case of exLernal programmes organlzaLlonal facLors llke
releaslng Lhe parLlclpanL from [ob flndlng hls Lemporary
replacemenL eLc have Lo be consldered
1ralnlng meLhods are a means of achlevlng Lhe deslred
Lach meLhod ls sulLable for a parLlcular slLuaLlon
1he cholce of Leachlng meLhod depends on many facLors llke
compeLence of lnsLrucLors lmporLance Lo Lhe parLlclpanLs
program deslgn eLc
LvaluaLlon of 1ralnlng
1ra|n|ng eva|uat|on |s done to
!udge Lhe ablllLy of Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo perform Lhe [obs for whlch Lhey were
llnd defecLs or faulLs ln Lralnlng provlded
llnd wheLher Lhe Lralnee requlres any exLra Lralnlng
llnd Lhe Lralnlng requlremenLs of Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo Lhe meeL [ob requlremenLs
1here are four baslc caLegorles of ouLcomes LhaL can be
keact|on lL ls evaluaLlng Lhe Lralnee's reacLlon Lo Lhe programme
earn|ng lL ls flndlng wheLher Lhe Lralnee learnL Lhe prlnclples skllls and facLs
LaughL by Lhe Lralner
8ehav|or WheLher Lhe Lralnee's onLhe[ob behavlor changed afLer Lralnlng
kesu|ts WhaL resulLs have been achleved afLer Lralnlng
Structured |nterv|ews wlLh
supervlsors are used Lo geL feedback
on Lralnlng
Lxper|menta| and contro| groups
are also creaLed Lo flnd Lhe lmpacL
of Lralnlng 1wo groups are randomly
prepared 1ralnlng ls provlded Lo Lhe
experlmenLal group whlle no
Lralnlng ls provlded Lo Lhe conLrol
group lf resulLs of experlmenLal
group are a loL beLLer Lhan Lhose of
Lhe conLrol group Lralnlng ls
consldered successful
1|me ser|es ana|ys|s ls also used Lo
flnd Lhe lmpacL of Lralnlng
1ra|n|ng fa||s due to the fo||ow|ng reasons
1he beneflLs of Lralnlng are noL clear Lo Lhe Lop managemenL
1he Lop managemenL does noL glve reward Lo Lhe supervlsors for conducLlng Lralnlng
1he Lop managemenL does noL sysLemaLlcally perform Lhe Lasks of plannlng and budgeLlng
1he mlddle managemenL does noL geL proper lncenLlve from Lop managemenL and hence
does noL accounL for Lralnlng ln producLlon schedullng
CffLhe[ob Lralnlng someLlmes Leaches Lechnlques or meLhods whlch are noL pracLlcally
lmplemenLed ln Lhe organlzaLlon
1ralners provlde llmlLed counsellng and consulLlng servlces
Why do you think training fails?
1ra|n|ng programs can be made effect|ve and successfu| by tak|ng care of
the fo||ow|ng factors
Speclflc Lralnlng ob[ecLlves should be framed
lL should be deLermlned wheLher Lhe Lralnee has Lhe necessary lnLelllgence
maLurlLy and moLlvaLlon Lo compleLe Lhe Lralnlng program
1he Lralnee should be made Lo undersLand Lhe need for Lralnlng and Lhe personal
beneflLs achleved by changes ln behavlor LhaL Lake place afLer Lralnlng
1he Lralnlng programme should be planned ln such a way LhaL lL ls relaLed Lo Lhe
Lralnee's prevlous experlences and background
CrganlzaLlonal condlLlons should be favorable for a good learnlng envlronmenL
SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code
SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code

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