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lAn1A 8LLAunCP

8 LAn
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
8ackground nformatIon
PF DbjectIve
PF Strategy
Dverall TImelIne
ExecutIon Plan
Content Content
Genera| |nformat|on
lanLa's ?1u markeL share ls 6 1hls number has been golng down ln comparlson wlLh Lhe
recenL years ( 23 Lhree year ago)
PCMC sales volume ls noL as expecLed
Panol sales volume ls beLLer wlLh Lhe 2
poslLlon obLalnlng afLer Coca Cola
WlLh Lhe deslre of pushlng up Lhe sales volume naLlonwlde Coca Cola vleLnam plans a
blg re launch campalgn for lanLa lncludlng brandlng acLlvlLles ( A81) acLlvaLlon and 8 8lz
Lyes ls brlefed by CocaCola Lo propose a 8 plan for Lhe lanLa re launchlng campalgn ln
@e act|v|t|es
ulglLal games lnLegraLe wlLh ?an1v on Crange falllng game and SMS
2 Moblle acLlvaLlon ro[ecLlon Lhe new hero of Lhe brand
3 Sampllng acLlvlLles
@e new brand message vul chol La quyeL vul chol
@e products
ulverslfled flavors/ SLrengLhen Lhe lanLa orange flavor and lnauguraLe SLrawberry
@e new packag|ng launch new packaglng ln vleLnam
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
8ackground nformatIon 8ackground nformatIon
ampa|gn Cb[ect|ves
CreaLe Lhe Lrlal Lo Lhe brand bulld brand love vla relnforce
lanLa lay" equlLy Lo Leens connecLlon
LsLabllsh lanLa as Lhe 2
CSu ln porLfollo whlch ls conslsLenL
Lo Lhe sLraLegy
ampa|gn strategy
Launch lanLa flavors ln LA? framework wlLh lnLegraLed
markeLlng and operaLlonal programs supporL
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
8ackground nformatIon 8ackground nformatIon
2 3 years old
Crowlng up deslre Lo be lndependenL WanL Lo prove Lhelr own value by
dolng someLhlng sLrange and aLLenLlon drawlng
SLudylng ls Lhe maln duLy
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
The Target audIence The Target audIence
noL only convey Lhe campalgn lnformaLlon buL also ampllfy dlfferenLlaLe
lanLa's acLlvaLlons focuslng 1v Came ChaL Wall and AugmenLed 8eallLy
Make people aware LhaL Lhe games are new dlglLal hlgh Lech aLLracLlve
and worLh Lo en[oy
1o form up a new concepLlon of lun by maklng lL meanlngful sLlmulaLe
Leenagers Lo maxlmlze Lhelr layful lmaglnaLlon"
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
PF DbjectIves PF DbjectIves
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
Campalgn announce
/ 2/
Dverall PF TImelIne Dverall PF TImelIne
2/ 3/ 6/ 3/2
Moblle acLlvaLlon
3 Aug 3 Sep
Sampllng acLlvlLles
3 Aug Lnd uec
24 Aug Lnd uec
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
PF Strategy PF Strategy
Two bigs messages
1. PIayfuI Imagination : Enjoy explosive fun with Fanta, it will get you up and bring you back to life
for a better studying and living.
2. High tech and the 1
time activities : Let's witness and join ever seen games and show!
Four big angIes
1. Campaign announcement
2. Sampling campaign
3. Online and integrated games : Chat wall, Orange game, Augmented reality
4. Mobile projection
Media expIoit
- YM SPAM is a new recommendation. t's the most true to life channel that can bring a trustworthy
feeling to audience ( 20%)
- Forum, You tube, Face book and Online School clubs are need to be concentrated channels as
well : Hot topics, photos of hot girls/boys playing Augmented reality @ sampling booth ( 30%)
- Online media & Print magazines for teens must be kept as the main and original channel where
they can see and feel the existence of all facts . ( 50%)
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
. CampaIgn Announcement . CampaIgn Announcement
%09020 Fanta returns Big Bang in town
Press Release : 3 different releases
1. Fanta official launch with Playful imagination - "Vui choi ta quyet vui choi (40%)
2. Fanta returns to impress teenager with first ever seen activities (50%)
3. Fanta returns with new bottle shape and flavor (10%)
In DetaiIs:
a. Official News release time : Aug 10
a. Release news to target media on the campaign
- Campaign name
- Campaign objectives
- Timing
- Activities within the campaign
b. Media for new releasing
- Print Media :The information of the general campaign must be spread to media include
massive because of the official and serious characteristics of the whole campaign. The
list will be attached.
- Online Media: focus on teenage channels as teen quite familiar visit website
- TVs
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
. Chat wall, T7 game, Augmented realIty . Chat wall, T7 game, Augmented realIty
ampaign starting time :
SCTV : 24 Aug End of Dec
VCTC : 31 Aug End of Dec
PR starting time
Aug 17
to end of December : 2 weeks before starting day
- nform all aspects of the playing activities
- Call targets to join, experience games and share emotion on forums..
- Create a word of mouth environment during and after the activities
- Educate consumers on the Fun conception and encourage the unlimited playful imagination.
- YM spam
- Forum, You tube, Face book and Online School clubs are need to be concentrated channels as
well : Hot topics, photos of hot girls/boys playing Augmented reality @ sampling booth
- Print magazines for teens must be kept as the original channel where they can see and feel the
existence of all facts .
Note : No need to be separate Summer time and School year time since from this year School year
begins from 1 Aug.
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
ngIes Messages Execution Media Format
Make teenagers
crazy with Fanta
1.New in town don't miss
the impressive games
from Fanta
2.Play, play, play, luv to
play Fanta game!
3.Wow ! Million people
see our conversation on
4.Not only play, but get
prize also!
5. won the TV game !
Who else use to win,
share how to win .
...And more . See
detailed topic at FORUM
$pam : Send link to the website for enjoying
Augmented reality : 20 seeders to send
clip, each sends to 150 - 200 and
the others will spread out continuously. The
checking code is programmed.
- Appear at all first page of Facebook
member's page to get attention and
drive traffic to Fanta web (augmented
- Create Fanta's page, maintain target at
least 800 fans
- Raise up the "1st time in VN factor for
- Highlight Only Fanta can create such
interesting and hitech digital games .
- Uniqueness of all the games
- Game instruction ( Where and how)
- Talk about the 3 main heroes
Print & OnIine
-Media alert
- Face book
- YM
Interview hot boys/
hot girIs
pIaying augmented
game @ booth
1. have never seen what
kul like this before
2.Fanta web? Just 1
word: awesome!
- nterview them, let them share the
impression with teen.
- Articles with their enjoying photos.
Print media
-Testimonials with
- Topics
Execution Plan
. Chat wall, T7 game, Augmented realIty . Chat wall, T7 game, Augmented realIty
Forum Topic GuideIine
Game on Yan Me
- Chat trn YM xua ri dim, mt mi - Chat trn TV
Chatting on YM is out of date Trendy and stylish chatting is on TV !
- T tnh trn TV - chiu cuc dc v cuc lng man
Declare love on TV super exclusive and super romantic ! ( required:
screenshot of Love message)
- Ai d mt ln yu, mt ln t tnh trn truyn hnh?
Who used to love and declare love on TV ?
- 31/8, hen quyt chin game trn TV, ai dm choi hem?
31 Aug, definitely determinted to fight on TV, who dare play ? (required: real
staff playing game, real D )
- yu tai sao khng dm cng khai?
You love ? Why dare not to say it out ?
Classified - Confidential
. Chat wall, T7 game, Augmented realIty . Chat wall, T7 game, Augmented realIty
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
. SamplIng actIvItIes . SamplIng actIvItIes
ampaign starting time :
HCMC : 21- 22 and 28 29 Aug
Hanoi: 4-5 Sep
PR starting time
Aug 16
to end of December
- Deliver all necessary information of the sampling campaign to teens.
- Make them awaiting for it.
- Call targets to join, experience Augmented game @ booths, join interesting activities, meet up
with hot boys/ hot girsl.and enjoy new Fanta !
- Create a word of mouth environment during and after the activities
- Educate consumers on the Fun conception and encourage the unlimited playful imagination.
- Forum, You tube, Face book and Online School clubs are need to be concentrated channels
- Print magazines for teens must be the leading focus for them to see and feel the existence of all
facts .
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
ngIes Messages Execution Media Format
Hot boys/ hot girls
enjoy games and
Fanta @ booth
Hot girls and boys share impression
and passion on Augmented reality.
"Topics: "
Teens meet their idols @ Fanta
Come and give our idol a big hug
@ Fanta booth .
- Take photos of hot girls
and boys playing game @
- nterview them
- Share their pictures on
Youtube, Face book .
Advertorials on print
Hot forums / online
school clubs
Fun atmosphere @
What is next Fanta sampling
Who know our school is in the list
or not?
- Join Fanta, join fun !
- Oh , so many attractive activities @
fanta booths
- nformation on sampling
campaign : activities,
address, benefits .
- nform moving schedule on
forum .
- Describe fun atmosphere
@booth and all activities
- News with photo
- Advertorials
. SamplIng actIvItIes . SamplIng actIvItIes
Execution Plan
- Tri nng, duoc ung nuc Fanta free, tai sao khng?
Hot weather, drink free Fanta, why not?
- e... di ung Fanta free... tit kim tin dee b con
Oh, go for free Fanta, save money, go guys ..
- Tu nhin chiu di d banh v duoc ung nuc min ph.... Sung!
On the way home from football match, been served free Fanta ! Fortunate !
- Ai gn qun 3 th di ung nuc cam free nh ..
Who is near District 3 go to get free orange juice .
- Hot weather + hot girl = ????
Classified - Confidential
Forum Topic GuideIine
. SamplIng actIvItIes . SamplIng actIvItIes
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
7. |obIle actIvatIon 7. |obIle actIvatIon
ampaign starting time :
HCMC : 21- 22 and 28 29 Aug
Hanoi: 4-5 Sep
PR starting time
Aug 16
- Stir up teen community with this activities BUT NOT BLATANT to avoid any issues later.
- Pull them to the activity points.
- Stimulate teenagers to take photo/ clip and share impression.
- Create a word of mouth environment during and after the activities
- 05 days before the starting day :
Forum, You tube, Face book and Online School clubs covered by hot topics but not
detailed on how Fanta's character appear in town.
Not YM spam : budget constraint & not safe
- fter activity finishing : The news can be revealed
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
Messages Execution Media Format
5 days before :
stimulating thru
word of mouth
Spread the photos of moving
heroes with comments like " did
catch it, who can do it, please
show . .
nform each other the rout of
moving characters next days .
Hot topics and positive
comments that have
stimulating spirit towards the
Teasing news on
Hot forums
- Facebook
During Share audience's impression : So
cool, so impressive ..
2-3 staff will follow the
projector vans to take clips
and photos of the moving
character. Post it onto forums
/ Facebook/ Online school
Hot forums
After finishing Big bang in town: moving mascot
on wall The 1
ever seen in
Vietnam . How it draw attention of
passing by people, how kul it is
Fanta new star of teenager
Articles of the 1
activity in VN : Project the
Fanta moving cartoon hero.
Advertorials about new
Fanta as new Star, new
friend of teenagers.
Report the campaign result
Spam clips on YM
- News with photo
- Advertorials
- Spam by YM
7. |obIle actIvatIon 7. |obIle actIvatIon
Execution Plan
Forum Topic GuidIine
Fanta heroes projection
- C ai thy ti hm qua trn tung Diamond Plaza c ci hnh chiu dc khng?
Who saw the never seen projection on Diamond Plaza'a wall yesterday?
- Tr mi ca qung co: choi phng ln tung
New way of advertising : Project on the wall !
- Vui Choi ht mnh choi trn tung
Play to the end on wall !
- Khng nhng dc m qu dc, n Fanta lun!
Not only unique, but too unique , really admire Fanta !
- Nhng hnh nh la xut hin ti qua HCM
Strange images appeared yesterday night in HCMC
Classified - Confidential
7. |obIle actIvatIon 7. |obIle actIvatIon
More explanations.
More details.
Classified - Confidential
Press release- the details
Press reIease for officiaI Iaunch: 3 separate press reIease:
1. New shape for the brand image
- Fanta official launch of "Vui choi ta quyet vui choi campaign in Viet Nam,
- What "Vui choi ta quyet vui choi means? Positive meaning
Speech of Quynh Brand Manager
2. ctivities:
- Fanta official launch "Vui choi ta quyet vui choi campaign in Viet Nam, that brings to the
teenagers first time, ever see and interesting activities : Game on YAN TV, Chat game, SMS,
virtual image game, amazing Mascot in town ( not mention the details of the mobile activation,
just go through)
- Speech of Quynh Brand Manager about positive meaning of "Vui choi ta quyet vui choi
3. New packaging and fIavor:
- Fanta officially returns with new packaging and new flavor in "Vui choi ta quyet vui choi
- Describe new packaging and flavor as a consummer's benefit which Fanta pleasures to bring
- Speech of Quynh Brand Manager about positive meaning of "Vui choi ta quyet vui choi
Classified - Confidential
Viral Chatting Channel
Classified - Confidential
Item DetaiI To Do
Forum $eeding
Create hot topic, comments
- Face book ads
- Facebook's page
Appear at all first page of
Facebook member's page to
get attention and drive traffic
to Fanta web (augmented
Create Fanta's page,
maintain target at least 800
YIM Per click Send link
Viral Chatting Map
Classified - Confidential
Use Connect FB
AP to upload
Captured Pix
and invite friends to
From FNT web:
Manually type in
Facebook Account
AR Signature
via Yahoo
service Forum seeding
Option 1: Facebook Channel
Classified - Confidential
Number of Facebook Vietnamese users
108,320 people
uwho live in Vietnam
uunder the age of 18
Facebook Page Demo
Classified - Confidential
Facebook Ads Demo
Classified - Confidential
Facebook Channel Classify audience according to target
Classified - Confidential
Facebook Ads Case Study from Kaspersky
Classified - Confidential
Option 2: Yahoo! 360plus
Classified - Confidential
Pageview of 360plus in Vietnam:
4 151.1 million view ( Data from Yahoo! Vietnam )
Number of 360plus users in Vietnam:
4 2.2 million users( Data from Google Search )
4 2.76 milluon users ( Data from Yahoo! Vietnam )
4 230.000 new users in 7 months of 2009 ( Data from Google Search )
Demographics : 198.000 users from 13-17 years old
Yahoo! 360plus Profile Template
Classified - Confidential
To do list on Yahoo! 360plus
Classified - Confidential
reate Fanta BIog
4 Add friends ( similar to Facebook friend )
4 No "Become a Fan feature
4 No Mass email to all friends/fan
4 No Live Statistic from friends, fan and visitors
Banner: All kind of banner with high cost:
Large Rectangular + Super banner/ Large Rectangular/ Super banner
4 No ads on personal page likes Facebook
Sampling bait
Hot Boy, Hot Girl to motivate, drive teenager who curious about his/her activities to sampling location:
Classified - Confidential
1.Name: Kelly
Real name: Nguyn Thuy T Anh
Born: 1990
Achievement: Miss Photo in 2008 Miss Teen Competition,
Top 10 the Searching Star Competition
Reason to choose her: She is very hot in the websites and
forums for teen (zing, kenh14.)
2.Name: Midu
Real name: ng Thj M Dung
Born: 1989
Position: Student in University of Architecture
Experience: Being photo model for Hoa Hoc Tro
newspaper, Hot V Teen 2007, photo model for VTM,
advertising model for some famous products (Lipice,
Vrhoto, Viettel.)
Achievement: She is the second runner- up in the entrance
examination of University of Architecture in 2007
Reason to choose her: She has a good profile. And now
she is one of the most hottest girl in websites and forums
for teen
Hot Boy, Hot Girl to motivate, drive teenager who curious about his/her activities to sampling location:
Classified - Confidential
3. Name: $am
Real name: Nguyn H Mi
Born: 1990
Experience: photo model, advertising
model (Mobistar)
Achieve: win the prize of "Fashion Star
Reason to choose her: She is one of the
most hottest girl in many forum and
website for teen such as zing, kenh 14
4.Name: Vit Vn
Born: 1992
Achievement: The first runner-up in 2009
Hot V Teen Competition in Hochiminh City
Reason to choose her: She has a good
profile and she is famous in teenage
Sampling bait
Hot Boy, Hot Girl to motivate, drive teenager who curious about his/her activities to sampling location:
Classified - Confidential
1. Name: Hip Erin
Reason to choose him: He is a famous face in
many forums for teen (, hihihehe,
yobanbe, forum.top1)
2.Name: Black 7 Cat
Reason to choose him: He is the hottest boy
in the teenage community in Hochiminh City,
a famous face in teen's forums like
diendanlequydon, photo.yeah1, hihihehe.
Sampling bait
Hot Boy, Hot Girl to motivate, drive teenager who curious about his/her activities to
sampling location:
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
3name kelbln Lee
8eason Lo belleve Pe ls Lhe second (afLer MAx) ln
amongsL 3 hoLLesL boys on Leen's forums (zlng
kenh 4 hlhlhehe Leenx)
4 name L Puy
AchlevemenL 1he second runner up ln 2 PoL v
1een CompeLlLlon ln Pochlmlnh ClLy Lhe flrsL
runnerup ln Plphop dance compeLlLlon
8eason Lo belleve Pe ls famous ln Leenage
communlLy an ldeal model for Leen wlLh a good
Sampling bait
YM Message Template
YM: Friend quota is 1000 friends per 1
Averagely, each account has 200 contacts in
her/his friend list
Send all
[Tn ca ban] gi nh, an ton.Gio t giy
truc webcam ci n bin thnh chai Fanta.
c nhu thjt chut! Th tao 1 chai Fanta
bng t giy n . Link
Tracking link
i360 Team of 20 members
20 main
Spam via Y.M
Send all
20% fwd
5% fwd
when 1 account send out FANTA link, reach 1.600.000 friends
20 main seeders to send out clips and photos the 1
Each seeder sends to 200 addresses .
Coding to calculate the real clicks
Media list
B. Online media
I. Teenager media:
1. Kenh 14
2. Zing
3. Ngoisao
4. Muctim online
5. Hoahoctro online
6. NetliIe
II. Women and mass
8. Vnexpress
9. Phunu online
10. Saigontiepthi online
11. 24h
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
. Print Media
I. Teenager media:
1.Hoa hoc tro
2.Muc tim
5.Th gioi hoc duong
6.Th gioi Vn hoa
7.Dt Mi Cui tun
II. Women and Mass media:
8. Phu Nu TP.HCM
9. Gia dinh va x hi
10. Thanh Nin
11. Th gioi Phu nu
12. Tip thi Gia dinh
13. Gia dinh Tre
14. Sanh Diu
15. Th thao Vn hoa
A. Forum and Social
I. Forum:
II. Social network
III. Yahoo Messenger
Classlfled ConfldenLlal
Thank you ! Thank you !

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