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potentials exist across the membranes of ESSENTIALLY ALL cells of the body But FEW CELLS are excitable they are capable of self-generation of electrochemical impulses at their membranes impulses can be used to transmit signals along the membranes

Macrophages, ciliated

cells, glandular cells : changes in their membrane potentials play significant roles in controlling many of the cells functions

1. impermeable to intracellular proteins and other organic anions ( A- ) A2. moderately permeable to Na+ 3. freely permeable to Cl- and K+ Cl-

NORMALLY: the K+ conc is GREAT INSIDE the membrane, while OUTSIDE the membrane, gradient is LOW Because of the LARGE K+ concentration gradient from the inside toward the outside strong tendency for K+ to diffuse outward the outside As K+ moves outside, it carries positive charges to the outside => ELECTROPOSITIVITY OUTSIDE & ELECTRONEGATIVITY INSIDE (due to the remaining negative ions that remain behind and do not diffuse outward along with the K+)


new POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE (+ outside, - inside) repels the positively charged K+ continually diffusing outward back in the opposite direction, from the outward toward the inside Within Millisec, the potential change becomes incredibly increased blockade of further net diffusion to the exterior


Difference is 94 MV, with negativity inside the fiber membrane( if this a mamalian nerve fiber)


Na+ is involved: Inc conc of Na+ OUTSIDE the membrane, low conc of Na+ INSIDE Sodium is positively charged, and the membrane is impermeable to all other ions, BUT highly permeable toNa+ With diffusion of Na+ towards the INSIDE => change in polarity => ELECTROPOSITIVITY INSIDE & ELECTRONEGATIVITY OUTSIDE

Again, within

Millisec, the membrane potential rises high enough => Blockade of further diffusion of Na+ to the inside Potential Difference is 61 MV, with positivity inside the fiber membrane


concentration difference of IONS across a selectively permeable membrane cause the creation of MEMBRANE POTENTIAL

Particle size ions in the body are hydrated so although K+ is larger than Na+, hydrated Na+ is larger than hydrated K+

Ion channels ions cross membranes via ion channels rather than simple pores and these channels are passages through protein molecules, therefore, there are separate Na+, K+ & Cl- channels

VOLTAGE the ease with which ions pass through some of these channels is controlled by voltage - the passage of Na+ through Na+ channels in excitable tissues ( muscles and nerves ) is greatly increased by a decrease in membrane potential

Neurotransmitters these agents may bind to receptors associated with the ions and can bring ease with which ions pass through some of the channels

example: Cl ions are present in higher concentration in the extracellular fluid than in the cell interior = > they tend to diffuse into the cell

example: the interior of the cell is negative compared to the exterior area, therefore, Cl- ions are pushed out of the cell ** so, after sometime an equilibrium is reached and Cl influx will be equal to Cl efflux

K+ = concentration gradient is outward, electrical gradient is inward Na+ = chemical gradient is inward, electrical gradient is also inward Cl - = concentration gradient is inward, electrical gradient is outward

FOR K+ and Na+ ions => intracellular concentration remains constant because there is an ACTIVE TRANSPORT of Na+ out of the cell against its electrical and concentration gradients and also an ACTIVE TRANSPORT of K+ into the cell

This ACTIVE TRANSPORT is called SODIUM-POTASSIUM PUMP ==> responsible for the active transport of Na+ out of the cell and K+ into the cell ( extrudes 3 Na+ from the cell for each 2 K+ it takes into the cell )

Ca++ = intracellular concentration is very low => electrical and concentration gradients are BOTH directed inward ** the distribution of ions across cell membrane and the nature of this membrane are responsible for the presence of MEMBRANE POTENTIAL


is actively transported out of the cell and K+ is actively transported in  K+ diffuses back out of the cell because of its conc gradient and Na+ diffuses back in  Since the permeability of the membrane to K+ is much greater than it is to Na+ AT REST, the passive K+ efflux is much greater than the passive Na+ influx

Since the membrane is impermeable to most of the anions in the cell, the K+ efflux is not accompanied by an equal flux of anions and the membrane is maintained in a polarized state ( the interior of the cell is negatively charged and the exterior area is positively charged )

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