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Illuminate Users Group PLC Session #2

February 2012

Solve the rebus puzzle while you wait!

Session Agenda
Installing grade cam plug in Assessments on the fly Aligning an Assessment Sharing Assessments Printing answer sheets & scanning/grading assessments.

Session Agenda
Assessments on the fly Aligning an Assessment Sharing Assessments Printing answer sheets & scanning/grading assessments.

Installing Grade Cam Plug In

link to illuminate help doc

Since this is your first time using the camera you will be prompted to install the grade cam plug in. Click ok.

Completing the Grade Cam Install Process Click Run from the next 2 options When you grade cam installation is complete you will get a turquoise window saying All Done . Click on the window to remove it and the back button to return to illuminate. If you were successful you will now have a thumbnail picture display from your camera.

Install the grade cam on your laptop

1. Log into illuminate ( 2. Plug in camera to USB port (nothing will happen here) 3. Select the Assessments tab. 4. List Assessments 5. Select any assessment. 6. Scroll down and on the left side select Scan Student Answer Sheets 7. Begin installation.

Session Agenda
Installing grade cam plug in Aligning an Assessment Sharing Assessments Printing answer sheets & scanning/grading assessments.

Assessments on the FLY



Scan sheet is all you need


No Name or No Standards

Need a scanner

Instant Feedback

Materials Needed:

Camera Grade Cam Plug in Installed Answer sheet bubbled as answer key.

Why use assessments on the fly?

Quick feedback (ticket out the door) Do not need to align to standards but can if you want the option. Can be scanned into illuminate quickly. Students can use a permanent answer sheet repeatedly

Creating assessments on the fly

Print out a blank answer sheet

Scan in illuminate

Create a 10 question assessment on the fly. Create 2 dummy student answer sheets and scan them. Do not save the test but leave it on your screen!!

Fill out with correct answers

Scan student answer sheets

Save it .don t save it you have the power!

Link to help document

Session Agenda
Installing grade cam plug in Assessments on the fly Sharing Assessments Printing answer sheets & scanning/grading assessments.

Aligning an Assessment in illuminate

(pppssttt it s just like Edusoft)

Materials needed:


Correct Answers

Who you want to share the test with

2 Methods
With Grade Cam Without Grade Cam
Begins as an On the Fly assessment that you chose to save. Click Proceed to Results then Save as an Assessment You will then click on the Standards tab to select standards for the assessment. Next click on the Alignment tab to assign standards to each question.

Proceed to next slide for directions

Aligning an Assessment without Grade Cam

Follow the steps on the handout titled Creating an Assessment without Grade Cam

Use the assessment at your station to align.

Please Save this assessment as we will share it with your tablemates.

Session Agenda
Installing grade cam plug in Assessments on the fly Aligning an Assessment Printing answer sheets & scanning/grading assessments.

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