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Admin Matters Tutorials Mondays 7-8pm Fiji Time Assessment Assignments is 50% Mid-semester Test is 10% Final Examination is 40%. Test Date Tuesday 3rd April (3-4pm).

Write the question Introduction Body use subheadings

- use paragraphing for new points/issues Conclusion Refrencing use Havard mode examples are on pages 10 14 of your I&A Direct Quoting indent and use italics. Understand your I&A, study Course Book and Readers before coming to tutorials.

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Pre-colonial Policing
Features of Traditional society and Policing

- smallness

geography - society (clan/tribal based) - No written law but traditions, customs, rules and norms exist and were expected to be followed. Society policed itself (through chiefs and council of elders) Legitimacy consent of all.

Pre Colonial policing (cont)

Group conformity, group unity, group rights and

cohesiveness was valued more than individual rights. Punishment anti social behavior warning, flogging, compensation, exiled, killed - (depending on the gravity of the anti social act) Socialization - geared towards maintaining group/social unity & cohesiveness. Society is constructed through a consensus model and violations of the norms (laws) identifying such consensus, necessitates punishment.

Colonial Era
Local custom & social values downgraded new Laws

and values imposed from outside (foreign) Police institution established as executive arm of government Court Magistrate/Judge (decides penalty) Punishment fines ( money) - imprisonment

Colonial Era (cont)

Traditional Enemies forced to live together as a island

colony ( one island state) Some traditional justice system allowed to exist where the colonial govt could not enforce its laws.

Post-Colonial Era
Colonial rulers left but left behind their legacy:

- government over a defined geographical area - a criminal justice system ( including the police institution to maintain law and order) - Legitimacy of Criminal Justice System based on the law ( constitution) of the state.

Police vs Policing
Police the executive arm of government tasked with

enforcing laws, maintaining peace etc.

Policing the act of maintaining law and order

- any one or group can do policing eg. Private security groups, etc.

Police as a Profession

- No clear mandate as a profession other occupations do parts of police mandate. Eg firefighters, courts - People deciding police mandate are not police officers - constant addition to police mandate ( 24 hour presence). - setting of police priorities ( rights vs law and order)

Role/Function of Police
Roles and Responsibilities of the Fiji Police Force
The Fiji Police shall be employed in and through out

Fiji Islands for the: Maintenance of law and order; The preservation of peace; The protection of life and property; The prevention and detection of crime, and The enforcement of all laws and regulations with which it is directly charged (Fiji police website 27/2/12)

Role of Police in USA

To protect life, constitutional guarantees, and property

and to preserve order in that priority.

In attempting to meet this responsibilities, the police

maintain a 24 hour a day capacity to address problems and conditions that require the use of legally authorized force or coercion and/or that are not clearly delineated responsibilities of other departments.

Evaluating Police performance

Most police performance evaluation

procedure/statisics are based on productivity. (Law Enforcement) premise Quantitave based ie, response time, no of reports attended, number of arrest etc. This is inaccurate or invalid measurement. Qualitative Measurement need to measure the quality of police action in carrying out its role. Eg best patrol officers assigned to toughest neighbourhood, best detective assigned to difficult and complex cases. etc

The acid test of police behavior is whether, on the

basis of information available at he time, the police act in a manner that is congruent with their primary responsibilities to protect life, rights, and property, and to preserve order, in that priority ( Reader, p.11)

Police Accountability
Police organizations are government agencies (

executive arm) Because of its 24 hour service - Often they are the link between government and the public. Who are they responsible too government or the public? - Monell v. NY city dept of Soc.Services 1978 Supreme court - plaintiffs who can prove that their civil rights were violated by govt departments can recover damages from govt treasuries and the govt employee involved.

Unit 2: Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement.

Criminal Law is a framework of rules and procedures

designed to control social behaviors through the prevention and punishment of criminal activities. The institution of the criminal law, and the processes which they perform, are anticipated to ensure Criminal Justice (p.43) Criminal Justice System Police, Prosecution, Magistrates/Judges, Correctional Services.

What is Crime?
1. An act committed or omitted in violation of a law

forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. 2. Unlawful activity: statistics relating to violent crime. 3. A serious offense, especially one in violation of morality. 4. An unjust, senseless, or disgraceful act or condition: It's a crime to squander our country's natural resources.

Criminal Justice System

It includes all the institutions of government that an offender will come across: Police investigate and charge offenders
Prosecution prosecute offenders based on evidence gathered by police Courts (Magistrates/judges) Hear evidence presented by both sides (Prosecution/Defence) and makes judgement Correctional Services incarcerate offender according to judgement.

Law & its Sources

Law[5] is a system of rules usually enforced through a

set of institutions. The purpose of law is to provide an objective set of rules for governing conduct and maintaining order in a society. Sources: - Constitution prevails over all other laws - Legislations (Acts, Codes, Rules and Regulations) - English Customary laws - International Conventions (state is a signatory) - Custom

Next Week
Policing the Pacific.

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