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EOG Reading Games

Reading Hangman
Divide the class into teams (table teams work well) Draw the hangman hanger on the board and put spaces for the saying. Have students answer EOG vocabulary questions and/or EOG passage questions. Call on one team at a time to answer, if they miss, the next team gets to answer. If a team gets the correct answer they get to guess a letter for the saying, then play moves to the next table.. A team only gets to guess the saying on their turn!

Read the passage and choose the CORRECT answer! Wait your turn!

Action Answers
Students read a passage and choose an answer, but dont tell what it is. When students have chosen their answer, they stand up next to their desk. After everyone is standing, the teacher says, 1, 2, 3, please show me! On the word me students strike a pose using action answer guide.

Action Answer Guide

A B Put hands over head to form the letter A Turn your Back toward your teacher. B is for Back. Make the letter C with your arms. Sit back Down. D is for Down.


Sticky Answers
Teacher passes out 4 sticky notes to each student with A, B, C, D written on each in large bold letters. Students put sticky notes on their desk. They read the question and choose an answer, but do not pick up a letter until the teacher says, 1,2, 3 please show me. On the word me students quickly pick up the letter of their answer and show it to the teacher. Teacher affirms correct answer and explains, if she sees incorrect answers, without calling out individual students.

What is the Main Idea

The most important message or idea in a passage. What a passage is mostly about.

How do you determine the Main Idea of a passage/paragraph?

1. Look at the Title.see if it reflects what the passage is mostly about. 2. Look at the bold or italic print that appears before the titleit may tell what the passage is about. 3. Read each paragraph and decide what each one is about. You may want to write a phrase or sentence to summarize each paragraph. Then put all of the main ideas of each paragraph together to find out what the passage is mostly about. 4. Look for repeated words in paragraphs and the passage for a hint.

What is Genre?
Genre means what type of writing a passage is. Name some: Fable? Fairy Tale? Biography? Historical Fiction? Non fiction? Realistic Fiction? Fiction? Poetry? Fantasy?

Types of Genre
What is a Fable: A story that uses animals to teach a lesson. What is a Fantasy: Any story that has magical or imaginary things happening in it. What is a Fairy Tale: A story that includes fantastical characters like fairies, goblins, wizards)

Types of Genre
What is a Biography: When a person writes about another persons life What is a Autobiography: When a person writes about their own life. What is a Fiction: Real information, facts about something.

What is a Fiction: Any story that is made up, not real, pretend. What is a Historical Fiction: A made up story that has a setting in the historical past.

Fact or Opinion
Name some opinion words: funny cute pretty ugly kindest meanest

Name more opinion words

always never should all none most least greatest best worst

What is a fact?
Something that can be proven to be true.

Fact and Opinion Game

Put a large F on one side of the room and a large O on the other side. Have students line up in a single file line facing the front of the room. Teacher reads fact or opinion statements. If it is a fact, students take one sideways step toward the F side of the room. If it is an opinion, they step sideways toward the O side of the room. Teacher says Center and students step back into single file line.and reads another statement.

4 Corners
Label each corner of the room with an A, B, C, and D. Have students read the passage and answer choose their first answer (without telling what it is). On your signal students move to the corner of the room that is the letter of their answer choice. If the question is missed, explain why.

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