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Managing conflict

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In firms mangers , face

Subtle conflicts like disagreements ,

arguments and criticism. refuse to obey

Overtly it can be assaults, abuse and


Traditional view of conflict

It is avoidable. It is this reason, it is

brutally handled.

It can be due to organizational design error

like duel reporting or role overlap

In any firm there is always a trouble maker The task of the management is to remove

the conflict or nip in the bud. Anti- union acts from management from union formation stems from this.
No conflict is a pre- requisite for firms

optimal performance


Todays view
Conflicts are inherent in firms and not


It is due to organizational structure , value

mis- match, differing views etc.,

Fear of conflict, make decisions more

sensible . In a way managers need to take a holistic view of the issue and find solution acceptable to all
Conflict is in a way , a devil's advocate and

help in optimal decision making

Fear of conflict inhibits high handed action 5/26/12

What conflicts does?

It frustrates a person. Stalls action Forced to amend decisions Develop discontentment with conflict

Compromise on decisions Indecision at times Energy dissipation

A model of frustration

Need (Defici ency) Aggression Withdrawal Fixation Compromis e

Drive (Deficie ncy with drive )

Barri ers

Goal/ince ntive( reductio n of drive and fulfillmen t of deficienc 5/26/12 ies )

Frustr ation

Level of conflict in OB
Organizational Inter group Macro

Inter-personal Intra -individual

5/26/12 Micro

Relationship between performance and conflict

High Perfo rman ce A Low Low conflict intensity High

Moderate conflict help improving the performance

What is moderate conflict? 1. Believing in negotiated settlement - no

direct action

2. Both work for win win model 3. Issue based conflict and not person


4. Subordinating self interest over

organizational interest
5. Empathy at all levels 6. Not allowing external threats to 5/26/12

envelope the firm

Positive side of conflict

It forces decision quality better It brings out a problem not known till then It alters status quo It goes into problem probing at a deeper

level to solve better

Force policy changes for harmony It unites people against injustice Makes a firm vibrant Gives room for innovation

Negative side of conflict

Aggression strike/lock out Personality clash Wastage of resources Bad organizational climate Mis directed energy Inefficiency QWL suffers


Three goal conflicts

Approach-Approach conflict- two mutually

exclusive goals- excel both in studies and sports management but feared for branded as black leg

Approach avoidance conflict- Close the

Avoidance avoidance conflict- leaving

husband and staying alone but not ready for divorce for fear of stigma in the society


Inter personal conflict

It is caused by personal differences Information inadequacy or mis information

can cause this

Role incompatibility- Production manager

wants good WIP and purchase department want JIT resources, competitive pressure etc.,

Environmental stress- fighting for


Inter group conflict

Due to task inter dependence Jurisdictional ambiguity Competition for resources Status struggles


Latent conflict- when two or three needed Perceived conflict- the next stage when

to achieve a goal, there is a latent conflict crack appears in the group over incompatibility

Felt conflict- people build strong emotional

commitment to their positions out come of this

Manifest conflict- strike or lock out is the


Johari window
Known to self Open area Not known to self Known to others

Blind area

Hidden area

Unknow n area

Not known to others


Open area - Here the person knows himself

better and other and so better understanding

Hidden self- others do not know about me.

So the conflict potential is more

Blind area- Others know me better and as a

self I lack. Coping is a problem in relationship shapes up.

Undisclosed self- friendly relationship never


Strategies for resolving intra personal conflict

1. remove barriers 2. change in perception 3. develop compatibility between individual

and organizational goals

4. Develop satwic gunas 5.priortise roles









When competition
When quick decisive action is vital On important issues where unpopular

action is needed

On issues vital to the organizations welfare

and when you know you are right competitive behavior

Against people who take advantage of non-


When collaboration
To find an integrative solution when both

sets of concerns are too important to be compromised

When your objective is to learn To merge insights from people with

different perspectives
To gain commitment by incorporating

concerns in to a consensus with a relationship

To work thro feelings that have interfered


When avoidance
When the issue is trivial or more important

issues are pressing

When potential disruptions outweigh the

benefits of resolution
To let people to cool down and regain

When gathering information supersedes

immediate decision

When others can resolve the issue better When issue seems symptomatic of other



When accommodation
When you find you are wrong to allow a

better position to be heard to learn and to show your reasonableness

To build a social credit for latter issues To minimize loss when you are out matched

and losing
When enterprise harmony is more

important mistakes

To allow sub ordinates to learn from


When compromise
When goals are important , but not worth

the effort or potential disruption of more assertive modes issue

To achieve temporary truce to a complex To arrive at expedient situation under time


As a back up when collaboration or


is not successful

Competition gain and loss

1. Chance to win every thing

2. Exercise own sense of power

You can lose all Discourage others working with you Alienates others Potential larger scale conflict in the future 5/26/12

Gain- 1. No energy or time expenditure 2. conserve for fights that are more


Losses 1. Less stimulation 2.Less creative problem solving 3.Little understanding of the needs of

4. Incomplete comprehension of work



Gains 1. Little fuss 2.Others view you as more supportive 3. Freeing energy for other pursuits Losses 1. Lowest self assertion 2. Loss of power 3. Absence of your unique contribution to

the situation

4.Your dependant feel let down


Gains-1.No one goes empty handed 2. keep the peace 3. may or may not encourage creativity Losses 1. As both are not happy, issue

2. Neither side realizes self determination


Gains: All win in the game Creativity in problem solving Relationship turns better New level of understanding and trust Deep commitment to decisions Losses: 1. time consuming Autonomy of the management is lost Set a precedent for all in the future

Becoming a great actor

Carefully think back about all your

previous actions, and take a deep honest look at your hidden contributions to the problem. Then muster up the courage to go talk matters over by stating the parts that you may have caused.


Blame games
Blaming is a way of removing

responsibility. We must learn that we do not control what other people say or do, but take back the complete responsibility for all our actions, even the ones we want to forget about.


Soft pedaling
When you push hard in conflict, look

out. For every action there is going to be a reaction. Pressure can cause explosions of deep hidden resentments and the war is on. Gentle words can lead you toward solutions .Harsh words stir up anger and a desire for revenge.


Understanding the under pinning

Take the time to clarify problems first

with facts. Dont respond to stories but seek real causes. Seek first to understand, ask questions, then respond to be understood. Carefully prepare our words, then respond with long-range creative solutions.


See it thro others eye

During conflict we tend to worry

about our rebuttal and not paying attention to what the other person is saying and that only gets us into deeper trouble. Restate what you think they said and then respond. Seeing everything in our needs is not being responsible.


Developing insights into conflict

Conflict usually starts by someone

not getting something that they deeply desire. Try and find that hidden thing there missing. Its probably something that they think they should have, but cannot have.


Drumming what some one said to you

DO NOT GOSSIP or repeat a story

about someone else. Mis-information make even an ordinary issue , more complex


Emotions and commotions

During conflicts, emotions flow freely.

Stop often and bite your tongue before you respond. Perhaps now is the time you could help them by saying something nice instead of pointing out all their faults. In other words try to focus on why they are so upset. Dont let emotions control reactions. Practicing self-control helps avoid regrets.


Values shapes views

Each person is wired differently and

responds to conflict differently. Some folks are lions, they take charge and give orders. Some are cats and beats you down. Lets celebrate that we are all different. Diversity makes teams more productive


Resolve to solve
Do not let the present moment take

control of your response. It is better to take adequate time and carefully come up with a good plan that will bring the problem to complete closure than for the time being.


I am O.K and others not

Everybody has standards. Your

standards may be either too high. So seek a balance, the middle of the road action that benefits all parties.


No transparency is a barrier
Not sharing meaningful information

with each other is at the heart of most issues. Speak with your heart, not your head. Be open and honest with yourself - hopefully wanting to find long-term workable solutions. No Hidden agendas as it bites back


Watch your jargons

We error by using jargon words

which can have completely different meanings to other people. We should ask for clarification and use common key words to help explain what we are really trying to communicate. Try giving an example or word picture of what you are communicating. Conversation is a two-way street. Workers always interpret rationalization as retrenchment.

Give first to take later

If you give evil - you get evil. So give

something good unconditionally and you will find a better solution.


I for we attitude
See and work toward one common and

shared GOAL, the "End in Mind." Connect to a bigger purpose, something that you both want to see happen - this will keep more people motivated. Then say, "Lets do this together" and not, "You do this".


A promise is to be kept
We tend to say one thing and then our

actions lead us toward something else. We have just established confusion, distrust, doubt, and loss of trust with the other person. Do what you say youre going to do. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.


We can easily debate the symptoms of

the conflict. Instead we should spend quality time searching for the root causes of problems. In value based politics, there is no scope for a politician with no value.


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