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By : Haziq Asyraf Bin Marzuki


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Part Tutorial

Getting started

Click Right Plane

Click Extruded Boss/Base

The Sketch Toolbar

Draw lines Draw rectangles Draw circles Draw curves Draw arc or semicircles

Drawing a line

Click and draw a line anywhere on the screen. Click to set the dimension.

Drawing a curve

Click Centerline in the dropdown menu.

Draw centerline at the midpoint of the line and set the dimension to 24mm. Click to draw the curve.

Finishing extrusion.


to finish the sketch. Set type of direction to Blind. Set D1 to 15.00 mm to finish the extrusion.


Making the side pod.

Similar to previous step, make 3 construction lines.

Draw 3 lines and a curve to draw the side pod.

Making the front pod

Draw a 40mm vertical line and 18mm horizontal line. Draw a curve joining the two lines.

Making the back pod

Draw a 40mm vertical line and 18mm horizontal line. Draw a curve joining the two lines.

Creating new plane


and choose plane in the dropdown menu.

Select the surface of the side pod.

Set distance to 70mm.

Making the chamber

Draw 2 construction lines (refer to rules and regulations) Draw a 27 mm line above the horizontal construction line. Draw a tangent arc joining the end points of the line.

Click to reverse the direction of extrusion. Set the depth to 60mm.

Making the nose cone

Make another plane using the reference geometry tool. Set the distance between the plane and the surface of chamber to 100mm

Click on Plane 2 and select sketch.


Draw a point and set the distance between the bottom to 15mm.

On the Features toolbar, select Lofted Boss/Base.

Select the surface of the chamber as the first profile, then select the point on Plane 2 as the second profile.

Making the chamber stand

Select the rear surface of the chamber. Select Extruded Boss/Base. Draw a rectangle with width of 5mm. Finish the extrusion with depth of 60mm.

Making the front wings

Draw 25mm vertical construction line and 20mm horizontal construction line. Draw a construction line through the center of the 20mm line, each end points are 1mm to the horizontal line.

Draw a circle at the intersection point of the vertical and horizontal construction lines. Set the diameter to 2mm Draw 2 curves from the circle through the centerlines.

Trim the semicircle inside the sketched wing using toolbar.

Making the wing stand

Draw a construction line 7mm to the side. Draw a triangle with base width of 4mm and equal sides.

Set the depth of extrusion to 25mm.

Making the rear wing

Draw a 20mm construction line 10mm from the end car and 25mm from the base.

Draw the wing similar to the front wing sketch.

Finish the extrusion by setting depth to 33mm.

Making axle holes

Select the extruded cut feature.

Draw a construction line across the wheel slot. Draw a circle at the midpoint of the line with diameter set to 28mm. Set the distance of circle to base 6mm. Select the circle and convert it to construction line.

Create another circle of 3mm diameter at the center point of the construction circle. Repeat the same process at the other wheel slot.

Finish the sketch. Set depth of cut out to 15mm. Finish the extrusion.

Making the tether line slot

Select the rear surface of the model and select extruded cut out feature.

Draw a corner rectangle with base 3mm and width 6mm.

Set the depth of cut out to 200mm.

Making the CO2 slot

Select the rear surface of the model and select extruded cut out feature.

Draw a circle of diameter 19.50mm. Set the distance between it to chamber 13.50mm.

Set the depth of cut out to 60mm.

Applying the finish

Select the fillet feature to round edges of the model.

Mirror the model

Select the mirror feature to create identical model on the other side.

Select the surface of the model.

Select the Bodies to Mirror dropdown menu and select any part of the model. Tick the Knit surfaces checkbox.

Final model

Save as car.

The axle
Start a new part document. Make an axle of 3mm diameter

Draw a circle anywhere in the screen. Set the diameter to 3mm.

Set the depth of extrusion to 60mm

Save as axle

The wheel
Start a new part document. Make a wheel of 28mm diameter Draw a circle anywhere in the screen. Set the diameter to 28mm.

Set the depth of extrusion to 15mm

Create a hole of 3mm for the axle slot. Save as wheel

Assembly Tutorial

Getting started

Every time starting an assembly, the Insert Components option will automatically opens.

Select car and drag to screen.

Insert components

Select the Insert Components feature to add the axles and wheels into the screen.

Mate the axle

Select Mate feature to position two components relative to one another.

Select the axle, then select the inside of the axle hole. Click tick bar that appears.

Select the side surface of the axle, then select the side surface of the side pod. Click the tick on the bar that appears. Repeat the same process to the other axle.

Mate the wheel

Select the inside surfaces of the hole of the wheel, then select the outside surfaces of the axle. Click the tick button on the bar that appears.

Select the wheel surface then the surface of the side pod. Click the tick button on the bar that appears. Repeat the same process to the other wheels.

Full assembled car

Save as car assembly.

Drawing Tutorial

Getting started

Always select A3 (ISO) to create orthographic rendering.

Settings configuration

Always check create multiple views on the orientation menu

Set display style to Hidden Lines Invisible. Set scale to 1:1

View Palette panel

Click refresh on the View Palette panel to load the cars projection. Drag and drop the projections to Sheet 1

Setting dimensions

Using Smart Dimension tool, add dimensions onto the drawing based on the rules and regulations.

Virtual cargo

Show the virtual cargo by drawing a rectangle inside the side pod sketch.

Select the Area Hatch/Fill.

Select the rectangle sketch to annotate the location of virtual cargo.

In the properties option, select hatch and pattern scale to 2.

Final drawing

Save as car drawing.

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