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G a M e na
Read the underlined word in each sentence. Choose the sentence in which the word has the same meaning as in the original sentence.


Are you ready?

1. She took a trip to Florida. A. Be careful, or you will trip!

B. We planned our trip together.

C. I trip over things very often.

The correct answer is B.

2. I turned on the light so I could see better. A. The feather was very light. B. She wore light colors because it was going to be a hot day. C. There is only one light in the living room.
The correct answer is C.

3. Will you check my answers for me? A. Mom wrote a check for the fieldtrip. B. I will check and see if the cat is in the house. C. If you get a check it means the answer is wrong.

The correct answer is B.

4. Will you show me how to bake a pie? A. I want to show you my new toy.

B. I went to the show with dad.

C. My favorite television show is on tonight.
The correct answer is A.

5. Mom put money into her bank account. A. A teller works at a bank.

B. The river had a very high bank.

The correct answer is A.

6. Mary likes to come to my house and play with me. A. He starred in our class play. B. I like to play checkers.

C. My favorite play is "My Fair Lady."

The correct answer is B.

7. The peas were in a can. A. I can do it by myself.

B. Can you help me do the dishes?

C. Mom gave me a can of peanuts for the party.
The correct answer is C.

8. The sign said do not enter. A. Please sign your name on the paper.

B. Can you sign the word cat?

C. I read the sign on the wall.

The correct answer is C.

9. I have a new watch. A. Did you watch me jump rope?

B. My watch is lost.
C. I don't watch many television shows!

The correct answer is B.

10. I always receive good marks in school. A. The marks on my report card were great! B. My fingers left marks on the glass. C. I have marks on my clothes where the milk spilled on them.

The correct answer is A.

The editorial page of the paper should begin where the rest of the paper leaves off.
Vermont C. Royster

Pulitzer Prize winning editorial writer

The reader should find ideas about the things reported elsewhere in the paper. The key word here is ideas.

An editorial is an article that states the newspapers ideas on an issue. These ideas are presented as opinion.

editorial page

columns opinion articles reviews


masthead, also known as a staff box editors, photographers and other key staff members synopsis of the newspapers editorial policy.
who determines the content, if letters to the editor are accepted, if advertising is accepted, what the subscription rates are, how errors will be corrected

The editorial board is a group of people, usually the top editors, who decide on a plan for each editorial that will appear in a newspaper.

Where do editorial ideas come from?

The daily lives of students in the Where do editorial ideas schooltheir interaction with each other, comethe faculty, with the administration. from? with This interaction affects classes, extracurricular activities, jobs and afterschool activities. Also community, state, national and international issues are of concern to the well-informed student.

Writing an editorial
the editorial must be researched carefully The newspapers reputation is based on the accuracy of the supporting material found in an editorial.

HEADexample: of our Editorial The HEAD For

After working with teachers, administrators and parents, the school board adopted a new, more rigid dress code for high school students for next school year. The administration said it wanted students to dress more professionally. According to the new policy, are to wear Filipiniana costumes as their daily uniform.

Intro: Pres ent the problem or situation.

The NECK of our Editorial

What is your opinion???


T a stand! ake



The BODY of our Editorial

Give three reasons why you are taking your stand.

Reason #1 for position

Reason #2 for position



Reason #3 for position

An ARM of our Editorial

Support your arguments with evidence and examples. The new dress code limits individuality. High school students define themselves by what they wear. They express themselves through their clothing. A strict dress code will force students to hide their identity and make conformist out of the whole school. Part of the spirit of our school is the differences that we have with each other.

The other ARM of our editorial

Opposing viewpoints are rebutted. You shut down the opposition.
The administration says they created the new dress code because they wanted students to look professional and respected. Students are just students and should be allowed to dress that way. When we graduate from high school and college, it will be important that we dress professionally, but it makes no sense for a 15-year-old student to wear a Filipiniana dress everyday.

One LEG of our editorial

If you are going to complain about something, you must have a better way of doing it. If the school wants students prepared for life after high school, a rigid dress code is not the way to go. Just dressing professionally doesnt guarantee success. Good grades, good test scores and a good resum is what will make a student successful. The school needs to focus on college preparatory classes instead of a dress code.

Present a logical solution.

The other LEG of our editorial

The school does not need a dress code. Instead the school should focus on real issues that will help students be prepared for life after high school.

Re cap the staff stance .

Donts in editorial writing

You dont take a stand. The argument is trite and generalized.

You ask too many rhetorical questions without stating an opinion.

You used quotes. One quote (maybe two) is enough for an editorial. You dont need any.

Remember the key to a

successful Editorial

Make the lead interesting to grab the reader

Provide strong evidence to support your stance Use active voice Be mature, fair and reasonable Offer a solution

Write in third person most of the time (some 1st person plural)

Different newspapers will have different ideas about how to organize an editorial, although most will follow the four previous steps. Here is one possible way to write editorials:

State the problem or situation.

State your position.

Give evidence to support your position.

State and refute the position of the other side in the conclusion. Offer two possible solutions to the problem.

Types of Editorials
Editorials that explain
Editorials that evaluate
editorials that persuade

Involving Readers
the newspaper must provide space for dialogue on current topics of concern. Readers are given their turn in two ways: letters to the editor and in opinion features.

Editorial cartoons can be a powerful form of expression. They can grab the attention of readers in a single glance. Unfortunately, some are so vague that they are hard to understand. One study reported in Journalism Quarterly revealed an overwhelming failure of nationally syndicated cartoons to get their message across. Most interpretations offered by readers were not at all what the cartoonist had intended. Your goal, when selecting cartoons, is to make sure that the readers get the intended message. An effective way to achieve this is to have a cartoon reinforce a message that is contained in an accompanying editorial.

In addition, cartoons should be timely and well-drawn.

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